Supernova Pop Culture Expo

Oct 16, 2007 16:24

Supernova Pop Culture Expo
Or why watching celebrities sing karaoke stays with you...

Disclaimer: Anything I say here will not be 100% correct. It is merely my recollection of experiences and really, my memory is pretty shoddy. So, you can all mark this as a humble fans experience. :D

On Sunday afternoon, I walked into the Supernova Expo. I can say this, I had a great time.

First off, I listened in on Sonny Whitelaw and Jennifer Fallon talking about their Stargate novel "Roswell". Spoilers ahead.

Ok, so what I can remember of it was this:

Sonny Whitelaw had an anecdote about talking with David Hewlett about Rodney McKay. Sonny had wanted to give him a more 'human' side but apparently David said that McKay was an "Arrogant, chauvinistic pig." and he really just didn't have one.

They continued to talk about fan experiences. Apparently after they published "Rosewell" they got hate mail because the date they picked... I forget which, has been alluded to be Daniel's birthday. Being stargate, there was another reference in 1969 that said differently. But anyway, no one in the book said happy birthday to Daniel which was apparently a serious crime. It was set in 1947 (time travel, yadda yadda), about 20 years before Daniel was born. So Sonny asked her eleven year old daughter, "If you went back in time, to before you were born on your birthday, would you be that upset if no one said happy birthday to you?"
Anyway, that shut the fan up.

Jennifer Fallon then joined in to tell the responses they got from Sam/Jack fans. They've had people have a go at them at other cons because they didn't get them together! Shock! Horror! And people saying they shouldn't even ever allude to it ever because they (person doing the accusing) has never ever seen any episode where they could have anything, possibly going on. Now, I don't ship, but c'mon people, season 4!

They talked about their writing styles. Sonny Whitelaw, very researched and methodical, Jennifer Fallon "Flying by the seat of her pants."

They said: Editors are your friends. They are there to make sure you don't look back on your work and think what an idiot you were.

I asked a question on what they did for writers block.

Jennifer Fallon said that as long as she knew how it ended, she didn't get writers block. If she knew how it ended, she could make sure she was going in the right direction and work with it.

Sonny Whitelaw said "I blow stuff up." Like a planet. If you're characters are walking through a door, suddenly the door will hit them because there's an earthquake. Jennifer Fallon interjected to say that it was never enough for Sonny to just stick with a planet, destroying whole solar systems more her thing.

And that's about all I can remember of it.

Next up, I went and saw Nikki Clyne aka Specialist Cally!

She's a sweetheart. Very bubbly and funny.

First off the were questions asked about geekdom. It was said she counted as a geek because she starred in a Sci Fi show.

She then asked us "What do you guys look for in classifying a geek?" Someone replied, "They hang out with other geeks!" She gave a exasperated sigh.

She talked about how she got the job on BSG. Apparently she got to the audition all rearing to go and then sat outside for 2 hours. One person had taken half an hour. By that time she was over it. She thought 'I'll just have fun with it.' "When I walked in I joked: 'What's taking so long? Are you guys filming all the scenes beforehand so you don't have to pay us?' They laughed, but not really. Afterwards the producer said 'If everyone had done their lines as well as you we wouldn't have'... Well, I was happy with that!" She grinned.

When she was young she always wanted to do acting but her mother didn't take her seriously. She and her friend would put on shows and makes up dances and knock on peoples doors and ask them to pay five bucks to come and see. "Nobody came... but the creepy neighbor guy watched from his balcony."

Nicholas Brendan aka Xander Harris wondered in at that point. Nikki shouted out "Everyone! Nicholas Brendan!" and there was clapping. He came and sat down the end of my row.

He made some jokes about her name 'Is it Nikki Clyne or Nikki Cylon? Chuck in an O and rearrange the letters..."

Nikki was asked is she and Cally were stuck together in space for a month what would they make of learn from each other?
The question turned into the difference between Cally and herself. She said that Cally stands up a lot more for herself and doesn't give up or give in. There have been times where if Nikki were in her characters situation she would have given up. On the flip side. Cally is more rigid in her outlook. Nikki said she considers herself open minded and that Cally has definite beliefs that hold her back when it comes to relationships.

At 5pm Nikki Clyne and Nicholas Brendan sang karaoke.


They sang one song I don't know. But I do know that it was from the eighties. (Something about give just a bit of respect to me) ETA: woolly_socks has identified it as "A Little Respect" by Erasure. Thanks! And then they sang Tainted Love and asked the crowd to sing along. It was really cool. They were both playacting the whole thing 'I used to run to you - and now I run from you!" :D

Fun times.

The End.

sg1, sci fi, bsg, buffy, sga

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