Fic: Wasteland Wandering

Jul 10, 2007 13:23

 Title: Wasteland Wandering

Author: Midvacent/Lexi

Fandom: Stargate SG-1

Rating: PG, for a few swear words

Summary: “I’m going insane,” He muttered. “I must be.”

It was hot. Damn hot. )

sg1, stargate, fic

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Comments 3

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midvacent July 11 2007, 11:16:58 UTC
Thanks. The long hand of Tel'ka will most likely remain my head... I did have fun coming up with the name though.


deengoblue July 11 2007, 08:49:04 UTC
They walked off together into the sweltering sunset. Well, until Cam tripped over rock. Hee! I'm glad I'm reading this at night, the climate's a little too close for comfort.


midvacent July 11 2007, 11:29:10 UTC
Agreed... except it's winter here right now. If it were December I would have only been able to write this in very small doses under and air-con. Thanks for the comment!


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