Jul 11, 2003 00:40
Today, my boss turned to me and said, "We're having a mandatory Sexual Harasssment class in a couple weeks.. You know, the one they do every year..."
"When?" I ask.
He looks at his email, and says "You and [someone else] are scheduled to go on the 21st"
I asked him jokingly, "Am I going to have to touch people...inappropriately?"
He laughs. "No."
"What the hell kind of Sexual Harassment class is that?"
"Well.. you know... its more like one of those ANTI-sexual-harassment classes, I guess."
"Of course." I say, "Wait a minute though, what day of the week is the 21st?"
He looked at his calendar and laughed, seeing what I meant. The 21st is Monday, which is my day off.
Rhetorically, he asks, "You mean you don't want to come in on your day off?"
"No, Steve. It's not that I don't WANT to, it's just that i'm not GOING to. Reschedule me."
So I now I have to go on the 23rd. Maybe there'll be some good looking girls there.. A sexual harassment seminar seems like a pretty safe place to meet women, right!? ;)