Yes, I'm still alive. Was very busy with work this week, so I've mostly been skimming my flist, and then Friday,
xingou and I went shopping at Target. I was looking for a small bookshelf, but they didn't have the one I had seen online, so instead I bought garbage cans for my kitchen, big plastic containers so I can pack away some clothes and have room in my dressers (and hopefully clear the clothes off my bedroom floor), some bowls and mugs which I really didn't need, but they were pretty, a shower caddy and a new tea kettle. Then we went to Barnes and Noble where we spent an hour browsing the children's section (and I bought books for Hannah and Josh) and then to Tower Records where I futilely looked through every 1980's new wave compilation CD for "Mutual Surrender" by Borgeois Tagg. (Sorry
musesfool - I'm still looking though!)
Then we met up with
paranoidsistah and
ziasudra_fic and went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. They had wanted to surprise me for my birthday, but alas, I managed to drag out the truth. :)
Thank you for all of the lovely birthday wishes and fic and videos - and song! *g* ♥ ♥ I didn't do much of anything in particular on my birthday - I rarely do anymore, not because I'm all that humble or anti-birthday or anything, but I just don't. Yes, I'm lame, what can I say. :)
And speaking of birthdays, I've missed a few this week, so:
Happy Birthday to
froda_baggins , &
I finally sucked it up and joined netflix, and my first DVD arrived yesterday, (Summerstorm - yay cute gay/bi boys!!) so I'm going to go watch it now, because the travesty that is the NY Giants right now is killing me. I should be back later with a 'real' update - you know, one that actually has something to do with fandom stuff. And I'll attempt to catch on up on the flist as well.