I'm back, and slowly catching up on all the, um, latest happenings. The painting is done, my carpets have been cleaned, my window blinds have been cleaned (holy crap were they dirty!), I have
a brand new desk/workstation which is totally awesome and SO much neater and prettier, and I've thrown out even more crap that had been stuffed into drawers and cabinets and closets. I got rid of my 18-year-old wobbling bookcase and bought a new one (which I still have to put together), and I'm waiting for the two matching tall, skinny bookshelves to come in (they were temporarily sold out at IKEA last week) so I can buy them (and put them together), and then my office room shall be complete! (except for curtains) I also bought a new TV stand for my bedroom (to replace the crappy 20-year-old cart I'd been using), but I still have to put that together as well. I'm still looking for a small sideboard-type dresser for the entryway/dining area, so I can finally stop throwing my mail and keys on the table and possibly even use it for eating purposes one of these days, but that will keep until I find what I want.
Still, with all the pretty colors on the walls, clean carpets and rugs, some new furniture, and a big reduction in the clutter, I feel like I have a brand new apartment. And oh yes! They fixed my kitchen cabinets and I no longer need twist-ties to keep the cabinets closed! I still reach to untwist before remembering I have normal cabinets again, it's become so ingrained after so long. I also have a new (old) light fixture in my dining area/entryway, and I went a little crazy with new switchplate covers for the outlets and light switches in all the rooms, but they look so pretty! Still to get are the aforementioned sideboard/dresser, curtains for the office, a picture for the kitchen wall, and wall frames for some pictures to hang in other various places. And then, finally, after 10 years of living here, all will be finished. For now anyway. :-P
I had some phone issues over the last week as well, and I'm still cranky with Verizon over the whole thing. It's fixed now, so enough said.
Have I mentioned that my apartment looks SO PRETTY? A little color on the walls makes a huge difference! When I finish all the things on my list above, I'll take some pictures.
As for the whole Dumbledore is gay subject, suffice it to say that I think it's made of win, I'm a bit surprised at where some of the negative comments are coming from, and I think JKR can continue to say whatever the hell she wants about her world and characters for as long as she wants to because, frankly, it's her creation. We're rather possessive of things we don't own when it comes to fandom, and just as we're allowed to have our own opinions and shout them out into the ethernet, hell, so is she. Whether you choose to consider it canon or not is irrelevent. She created the world, and she has every right to continue playing in it herself. There's nothing wrong with being a fan of your own work - we're all fans of our own stories in a lot of ways, too. I just think it's hypocritical for us to segregate her like that, author or not. *shrug*
In other news, for those of you not hampered by nasty, icky clouds, *grumble* there's a comet - Comet Holmes - visible to the naked eye without a telescope or binoculars, presently near the constellation Perseus in the northeast. Mars is hanging around Gemini, and Venus is ridiculously bright and lovely in the east during early hours of the morning before (and during) dawn. I was able to catch some of the Orionid meteor shower last weekend, which was pretty cool, the Leonids are coming up in November in a couple of weeks (@ the 18th), and the big mother of them all, the Geminids shower is @ December 14th. Good stuff!
And that's about it for now. I still have a lot of emails to catch up on, and fic to write, but I'll get there eventually. :)
Oh! Happy Belated Birthdays to
wook77 and
duendeoflorien! And
shabzilla, too! Hope you all had lovely days! *HUGS*