some things you didn't even know you wanted to know about MidnightTrain...
aka i'm bored at f*ck
Tell me about the shirt you're wearing? Um. White ribbed tank under a long black racer. Nothing too exciting
What's currently bothering you? How terrible it is to love something that death can touch.
What do you currently hear? Colder Weather. My gypsy soul belongs to Zac Brown
When was the last time you had your hair cut? Oh dear. Ummm. In the summer sometime. I don't really do haircuts.
When were you last outside? Few minutes ago. Chasing the pup around the yard.
Are you wearing shorts? Hah! I wish. Though compared to the last few weeks, today almost feels like shorts weather.
Does the thought of marriage scare you? Sometimes. Not marriage but the thought of failing marriage. So I have a feeling me and the fella will stay "happily-not-so-married" for a while yet.
What are you doing today? I did work. I also went to Costco with my mom and little baby nephew. Aaaand now I'm drinking and trying really hard to not do laundry (and succeeding).
Look to your left, what is there? A wall.
What time did you go to sleep last night? Around midnight. The usual.
When is your Birthday? April.
The way to win your heart? Goldfish crackers and chocolate milk.
What are you going to do this weekend? Nothing huge. I have a hockey game and the boys will be jamming, but I'm sure we'll fill in the gaps.
Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member? Ummm... people get me and my giant 6'3" little brother mixed up all the time. *rolls eyes*
Do you have reason to smile right now? I always have a reason to smile. Life is grand.
What do you do when you're stressed out? Smoke.
Would you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else? Absolutely. I can't honestly say I'd do it for a complete stranger, but for family and friends? Yes. Definitely.
Has anyone upset you in the last week? Hahah. Just my mom. Probably because I was a pms-ing bitch.
What was the first thing you did this morning? Smoked, chugged coffee, showered (all at once. Talent, no?)
Do you care of what people think of you? Depends who they are, how much I respect them and how much they respect me. In general, not that much, but it really depends who the people are.
Who was the last person you took a picture with? Hmmm.. New Years Eve with my buddy Danny I believe.
What are you looking forward to right now? The weekend. Summer. Finishing writing I Run to You. Writing something new and (hopefully) original.
Do you miss someone? Indeed. Today is my friend Reed's birthday (he passed last summer) and I miss that kid like crazy crazy crazy.
Is there a person of the opposite sex that means a lot to you? Of course. My fella, obviously. And the majority of my closest friends are guys, and they mean the entire world to me. And my pa, of course. He's one of the greatest men I know.
If you could go back in time and change something would you? Yeah. I'd go back in time and stop myself from taking that first cigarette. Other than that, I don't have a lot of regrets.
Do you hate smokers? No. I get it. I hate people that hate smokers though (and not just because I am one). Just... love everyone.
Ever had a near death experience? Nothing huge. A few driving experiences where I afterwards I'm like "wow that could have been really bad." And I have almost drown a few times. Actually, there was once when I truly thought I was going to die. Our raft flipped in rapids and I was trapped under it and then I got sucked under. Terrifying. My fella saved my life that day :)
Something you do a lot? Write. Take pics. Eat. Lol.
Do you do drugs? Mmm... not really. The hard shit has messed up my life enough in the past, so I stay away from the scary stuff.
Last person you cried in front of? My bestie when we were watching The Cove.
Where will you be 18 hours from now? At work. Possibly hanging with my nephew (idk, I'm too lazy to do the math)
Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward? No. Not at all. I'm sure many people would have a coronary if they had to hear the things that enter my ear bellums on a daily basis.
Does anyone hate you for no reason? I should hope not. I'm pretty awesome.
Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with the letter J? Yep. My second kiss was with a boy named Joel.
Where do you want to go university? If I could choose... anywhere but here. Cali or something like that. Or abroad. I'd love to go to Uni abroad.
Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you? Yeah. Too many people, actually. I probably don't deserve how good my friends and family treat me.
Favourite number? 5 & 7
Are you wearing make-up? A little. And that's very rare. I'm not a make-up girl at all.
What's the last thing you said and to who? To my fella (who was attacking me trying to tickle me): "Fuck youuuu!"
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? Yeah. Dear gawd, I'd love a new tatt. If only I had the funds
What do you hear? Smoke baby, smoke baby, more alcohol baby. Cocaine in Montreal and back out on the plane baby. An early flight will leave and on it will be me, yeah. I'll be half asleep and you'll wake up at three
Are you ticklish? VERY
What's your dream car? I would love a Camaro. Or an old muscle car ('69 Charger Dukes of Hazzard style lollll)
Is pornography morally wrong? I think it depends on what it depicts and how it's used.
Write the opening line of a wonderful novel: The End.
Where would you like to retire? Vancouver Island.
What colour do you prefer your pens to write? Blue. I'm plain jane.
Are babies cute? if it's related to me, then yes.
What book are you reading? The Book Thief.
Do you like rollercoasters? Love them.
Cite a song lyric that means something to you: If heaven's for clean people, it's vacant (Load Me Up, Matt Good Band) <---hopefully my next tatt
What's the best photo you've ever taken? The one I gave my grampa for Christmas. I took it at threshing this fall, and it's he and my brother on top of a wagon filled with hay... and.. well... my mom cried when she saw it. I'm very proud of that picture. It's very personal and simply says so much about my family.
Tell me a knock knock joke: Knock knock (Who's there?) Up dawg. (What's up dawg?) Not much, what's up with you? ...and thank you, Jim Halpert. lol
Describe yourself in five words: creative. mellow. happy. green. awesome.
What's the oldest thing you own? My hope chest. It's close to a hundred years old.
What's your favourite word? Luscious.
What word(s) do you hate? Moist. Panties
What would have on your headstone? Never that which is shall die.
Aaaaand that's all, folks.
MidnightTrain out <3