Friday isn't Thursday

Jan 15, 2011 00:02

I'm a hypocrite. I know, I know. But...

Man... it's not that I mind being home on a Friday night. It's just that I kind of wanted to get out tonight. It's been soooo miserable out for the past few weeks so we've all pretty much been in hibernation, and I just want to get OUT and do something. But my bff and roomie and even my fella are all getting me down so bad that I decided to stay in while they all went to drink their troubles away. Which I'm actually completely fine with. I watched some trashy reality TV and now I'm checking out pictures of Rob holding babies. All in all, not a bad evening.


*sips rum*

I don't know if it's the time of year or what, but everybody's negativity is seriously wearing me the hell out. It's exhausting. I feel like all I do anymore is listen to every one around me bitch and complain. Seriously, the happiest I've feel all week was at the grocery store the other day when everybody around me was ridiculously polite and friendly. It was so refreshing. And then I got home and just... poof. Gone.

And you know, it's not like any of them have it really that hard. My best friend goes to school. I get it. I just graduated and I know University sucks the life out of you. But the thing is, it sucked the life out of me and me alone. Sure, when you're swamped with homework you need to vent to the people around you a little bit. That's natural. But I didn't feel the need to bring everyone around me down just because I had insanely massive projects due and it was goddamn stressful. I was aware that every time someone talked to me, they didn't want to hear me bitch about school. I just dealt with it. But she won't. I can hardly even have a conversation with her without leaving feeling like I just got hit by a brick or just completely tuning her out altogether simply for the sake of my sanity. And I cannot even count the amount of texts I've gotten from her in the past week and a half complaining about her TWO 8am classes. Know what? I had FOUR a week in my last semester and I live a solid 45min from school. Sure, I skipped that class a lot but I had no control over my schedule. My classes fell where they fell. I dealt and when I didn't go, I dealt with the consequences. I finally told her to go change it if 8am was so damn early, and she did. Thank f*ck. And then I have to hear her whine about only getting to work part-time and always being broke... Yeah, I had my own house to pay for when I was in school and she's living with her parents. There's student loans and lines of credit and just SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY. God. I'm about ready to tell her to drop the hell out already if school is so damn impossible. But I know she'll just find something else to complain about. Ugh. I love her to death and all but come on... Just be fucking happy. One day she'll miss the days when she was just in school and only working part-time. But whatever.

*chugs rum*


My man's not what bad. Every day he comes home with another reason why working for a living sucks, but he doesn't go on and on and on about it. He bitches to me about his day and we move on. Yay. Roomie, on the other hand, is severe whinger. I basically do not speak to him unless I'm in an extra special mood because I simply cannot handle it anymore. And that seems to suit us both just fine.

Anyway, I'm sick of people around me being so fucking depressed and playing the victim all the time. I deal with it all fucking day at work (probably the worst case in my life right now, and I simply CANNOT even get into it. It's just... bad. So, so bad) and then come home to all my closest friends crying on my shoulder. And I'm tired of it. I don't know if it's always been this way or if I'm just beginning to see it differently lately. Either way, I think I'm going to put up a "HATERS TO THE FUCKING LEFT" sign at my front door. Maybe they'll start to get the hint. Either that, or I punch the next person around me who starts complaining.

Yeah, you tell 'em, Jensen.
I think I like that idea best

Anyway, I think I need to make a happy post or something next because although this has been extremely therapeutic for me, I feel kind of bad dumping all my issues on the interwebz.



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