
Dec 15, 2006 03:26

While I am well aware that no one actually reads this anymore, I still felt the need to post regarding my insanity. Thus, here goes. Each day I get into my car at about 2:45pm, and as I start up good ol' Buddy the radio beings playing. I tend to judge how well my day is going to go based on the quality of the songs that play as I drive the thirty minutes to work. Today was an interesting dichotomy of good vs. very possibly evil. By evil I, of course, mean that which is made by the devil to torment the souls of those here on earth. Today when I turned on the car Tool was playing. Many people may know that Tool is one of my all-time favorite bands. I immediately thought "excellent, today is going to be a great day". I thought this as I backed out of the driveway.. and directly into the mailbox, which I knocked over. I was in such good spirits I didn't let that spoil things and pretended that I didn't notice as I popped Buddy into drive. (Don't worry; I'll fix the mailbox tomorrow.) I obviously cranked up the radio to a volume that could deafen entire small villages. However, just as the last chords were fading and before I could turn the radio back down to a level that could actually be considered normal one of my absolute least favorite bands started wailing away: The Red Hot Chili Peppers. They annoy me to no end. Thus, my mood immediately was significantly darkened. To make matters worse, as I frantically pushed any random preset button in an attempt to silence the pitiful wailing of the RHCP (aka Ridiculously Horrible Childish Pansies) things went from bad to worse. The next station that I left on long enough for my brain to process what it was being fed was featuring the musical stylings of My Chemical Romance. Excuse me for a moment. ::elevator music:: Thank you, I had to gag. If I hear the Black Parade one more time I swear I'm going to either A) in my outrage drive off the road, killing myself and Buddy or B) Take a lesson from that family guy episode where Stewie watches Bewitched and goes to Will Farrell's house in order to slap him in the face. You get the idea. The remainder of the audio portion of commute consisted of mediocre musical stlyings. There was nothing to get excited about, no desire to sing along. Then, just as all hope had completely faded, I heard the first chords of "Down in it". I smiled. Nine Inch Nails... This was definitely a good thing. As such, I decided upon parking my car that today would most likely be an extraordinarily average day. I assumed that the few extraordinary songs were offset by the remarkably horrible and the extremely average. It turns out that I was completely correct: the day was incredibly average.

The moral (or even point) of this longwinded story is that I need to have either A) a CD player installed into my car or B) an Ipod with an adaptor so that I can listen to it when I drive. The problem is that I do not have any great caches of money. So, in conclusion: give me money so I stop going crazy.

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