Feb 15, 2007 07:08
so I got a call yesterday from the lady who runs a pullman dance studio. She said she got my number from some of her students or something like that who met me at CJ's over the summer. I don't just hand out my phone number so I am reall curious to know who had it and how they got it to give to this lady.
Anyways, she wants me to come down so she can talk to me and see where my level of dancing is because she needs a few more guys for a production of sleeping beauty they are going to perform up there.
I was shocked and amazed at how this could work out, but untimatly in the end I don't think it will. Not because I don't have the will, the drive, or the time, but because I most likely will not be allowed to do it.
This depresses me a little. I have an excellant chance to do some dancing again and get into a production, but it is in another state, and some of her students are high school students which means some of them are not 18 which means I am not allowed to be around them unless it is in public or I have a chaperone around.
Its funny how elation and sadness often can go hand in hand. Maybe not funny at all, maybe just sad in the end. All I can do is pray and see where things can go from here.