Mar 05, 2006 16:30
So I decided I'm gonna start writing in this again... I need to vent somehow heh. This past week has been fantastic well... here's what I wrote on Myspace, it pretty much sums it up:
Things have been good lately. Very good. I had this dream last night and I've been having many others like it lately so I decided to do some research and look up what it meant. I won't go into details of the dream for boredom's sake, but here's the bottom line of what some of the key words/parts meant:
Happiness, rebirth, trust, cleansing, a great expanse or amount, vast limitless feelings, feeling overwhelmed with emotions, moving through water of feelings contained by cultural constructs, you are in an emotional state, movement across the depths of feelings, personal power, there is a barrier to progress in your plans, communication of feeling, ready to celebrate, competition, rivalry, prosperous times ahead, aspect of self ready for integration, ask yourself about your current feelings, will attain aim in life.
I sense a reoccuring theme there... I know what it has to deal with too, at least I think it does. It's funny that now of all times I decided to look into this.
I've really been enjoying the company I've been in these past few weeks. It's nice to be back with "old/new" friends (if you got that). I do miss spending time with Mr. Wend though... we'll figure things out sooner or later. I'm excited to see what Spring Quarter brings.
I think it's time to bust out my Livejournal writings again... It was healthy for me to write things down every other day or so and get them out... I haven't done anything like that in SO long. Maybe i'll go write some now....
So here I am!!! I really should start my synthesis paper now but I think I'm going to be lazy and not do it. You know what I'm gonna do instead? I'm going to eat some salad and watch Almost Famous. I've ALMOST watched it like 3 times in this past week or so but it never happens, now's the time. Feel free to come join me because this movie will give you all sorts of warm happy feelings inside (and everyone should see it once).
<3 Dana
Postscript... I have straight hair today, it's a nice change.