Jan 11, 2014 10:23
So a couple days ago I was thinking about what kind of jobs I could have after i move while I build up my studio. The list wasn't very long and the only thing on it I really wanted to do was work in a library again. So then I got the bright idea that I should apply to work in one again. I need to make more $, not to live, but to pay off my cc and to save to move! And maybe to pay for the album if the kickstarter doesn't go well=/
So I started looking into local libraries. A couple even have some part time staff appointments I'm qualified for, about 20 hours a week. But I don't think I want to give up ALL my mornings to working another job, then go teach and then, when do i practice? Weekends only? 9 or 10 pm at night when I have to go to school and schlep my pedal and amp? No thanks. So I emailed one of the directors about the page position. Their site didn't say if it was volunteer or paid, I'm guessing it's volunteer since you can apply at 14 to do it. Haha. Me working with a bunch of little teeny boppers. But I told her my qualifications anyway and asked a few questions.
Hopefully I didn't come across too arrogant. I mentioned that I thought I was qualified to apply for the library assistant position but was just looking for something part time and that I like busy work like shelving and processing materials. Hopefully my tone comes out the right way in the email and she tells me to come in and apply. Even if it's 5 hours a week at minimum wage that helps! And they could take most of it for taxes to help offset my other tax issues.
Speaking of, taxes are due in a few days. Blah. It's the last quarter for 2013. I hope I paid enough, I hope I overpaid! Getting some back would be a dream come true right now, even if I won't get it til April. But I've started compiling my list of deductions and it's looking pretty good. I spent A LOT of money on music expenses this year. Eek and yay all in one=)
I need gigs too. That would help a lot. Getting paid $100 or more for "one night" or work is a great help. So, I'm working on it!
I'm going to see one of my composer friends who lives in VA in March. He invited me down to work on the piece and even offered to pay for my travel! I said I would just drive but when i looked at the route taking me through 3 major cities i decided to look into tickets. It's not too bad, I can get there and back for about $300. So, I think in the end it will be better than driving, plus I shouldn't push my car too much until I have to. I also asked him about what spaces he thought i could play in there if he didn't mind me doing a show while I was there. And he booked me one! It probably won't pay much, but that's not the point of this one. The point is to get more exposure and make the trip more worthwhile. I think it will be marvelous.
Another friend was supposed to come here last night to work on his piece with me. The guy I hooked up with at the festival, and then again in NYC. But he flaked because he needs to buy a car suddenly. He was then supposed to come this morning and changed it to late this afternoon so he could look at a couple more cars. Jeesh. Thanks man. So we won't get much time together. But whatever, we've discussed the boundaries of our relationship, and we're just friends, who have fun. But this is kinda dickish and not so friendly. Whatever, I have other things I need to practice today anyway. But, had I known he wouldn't be coming I would have booked some make up lessons since I have some pending from the snow last week! About half the parents want make ups instead of credits, they're looking out for me=) Tangent!
I forgot to write about going through the garage with Mom. She has boxes with my name on them, some are things I actually boxed up, others are stuffed animals and barbies she chose to save, for me? So we started sorting, me on those, and her on her boxes. It was an emotional sort, came across a lot of memories of the sperm donor. Had a lot of things to smash. But I'm glad we did it together. But I also came across some very nice and some funny memories. I got 7 boxes down to 2? And then we discovered 4 more hiding where we couldn't get to them marked stuffed animals and barbies! Haha. I told her when she cleared a path to just pitch them but she wants me to sort through them first. I have the only ones that matter to me. Oh well.
I'll probably be going back in May for my lil sis's graduation and in June for my big sis's wedding. So I guess I can do it then.
I think that's enough rambling for now. Too-do-loo!