Oct 05, 2007 21:19
hm so i was on the phone with steve last night. this is erally putting a huge pull on our phone bills and i know i shouldn't be talkign to him so much on the phone. that's what aim is for. that's why he bought me that stupid webcam four motnhs ago that i still haven't used. and then tonight he called and he was like i miss you i wihs i were home i miss everyone. and i was like well i don't know what i'm supposed to do. apprently teddy is going out there next month. he suggested i tag along. wouldn't it be awkward first off and secondly how the fuck am i coming up with these funds espeically if wer'e talking so much . i don't think he gets it that i'm trying to move on. i think he's more confused than i am. i don't htink he's hurting more though. either way i'm going out later.