Dec 12, 2004 19:08
So this weekend was okay. Family is not an easy thing. We said bye to my grandma. Me and my sister cried. But its not because I am going to miss her. Its because I already do. I have since we were young. She was never in our lives like grandmas should be. She went to our cousins everymove, all of their games, school functions, everything. Us, nothing. And the memories of the house. How can you miss something that brought so many arguments and tears. Me and my sister went to look at the trees we planted. Of course mine died like a year after we planted them, but hers, is still going strong. It's so big now. Has it been that long? I guess it has.
So Day is moving out. Kind of sucks but what are you gonna do. Sheena might actually be my new room mate. But we will see what happens. Anyway here's a quote a stole from Amanda's away message:
"Chances are, if you can't get someone off your mind...
....they're meant to be there"