1. NaNoWriMo starts today! I worked up a very rough plot which I'm hoping will carry me through the month. I'm really excited about this, though I think part of it is I'm finally working on a new book*. It's hard to believe that I started writing Fallen last year for NaNoWriMo. I was on the fence about joining this year, what with my wrists, but this story is screaming to be written. I might as well write it now.
2. Scrivener for Windows: First Impressions:
PRO: I love Love LOVE the flexibility and organization potential this software gives me. Instead of having to switch between text documents and spreadsheets, everything is right there. I can easily rearrange chapters and move scenes around without complicated cutting and pasting (which usually leads to forgetting where that chunk of text was and where it was going and hair pulling and text wrecks . . . oy).
CON: The beta version keeps stalling/locking up/freezing. (This might just be my computer and the software not playing nice together. Anyone else out there notice this problem?) I start to type and after the first character or so it freezes. The delay seems to be related to how much text I type. The more I try to type, the longer the delay. It's so bad that last night I opened Notepad, typed up my 1000 words, and then pasted them into Scrivener. It's starting to impact the desirability of this program. And I'll be telling them that in my feedback, too.
SUMMARY: If they fix that one issue, I'll forgive them much for Scrivener is wonderful otherwise.
3. Update on my wrist: I saw the orthopedic specialist last week and he said it is definitely repetitive stress injury. There is some carpal tunnel inflammation in both wrists, but the major problem is that my ulnar nerve on both arms pops out of it's tunnel at my elbow whenever I bend my arm. This causes the numbness and twinges up and down my arm and in my ring and pinky fingers I've been feeling for months now. We're scheduling tests to determine the amount of damage and the next steps.
4. I'm having
markreadshp withdrawals. He finished Deathly Hallows this weekend and my heart broke all over again during those final chapters. Reading his chapter-by-chapter reviews has been a chance to relive reading those books for the first time (and remember what a kooky beast HP fandom truly is). I might have to pull my copies down in December and re-read them (for the fourth time).
5. I don't have a fifth item. Have a great day!
* I need a title, but for now it shall be dubbed Zel's Book as she is the main character. Yes, this is lame. It's Monday morning, cut me some slack.