FINALLY picked up the last installment of The Hunger Games trilogy, Mockingjay, today and, needless to say, I can't wait to go back to reading!!! =D
Some of you who are fans of the series may find this interesting (I kinda did *blushes*): I met a woman at the bookstore today (while I was buying it) and got into a discussion with her about the "agelessness" of the series, despite the fact that it's target demographic is primarily yound adults.
(this is the part I found super interesting) She even told me that one of her 40 year old male friends is an avid fan and that he thought Katniss was one of the best written female characters he had ever come across!! Now, while she's not one of my all-time favorite characters (of course that's subject to change depending on how I feel about her by the end of the series), I do think that man made a fairly valid argument.
There's so much about the way Katniss is written that I admire and that, I'm sure, has made this series so much more enjoyable than it would have been under the thrall of a lesser heroine. I love that the author doesn't shy away from the character's less admirable and/or attractive traits, such as her (at times) selfishness, her willingness to often do whatever it takes to get ahead (particularly in the arena), etc. I also like how, when mirrored against Peeta, she often comes out looking like the less desirable party. BUT, the author also gives the character enough positive traits (such as her love for her family, Gale and--eventually--Peeta; her disgust with the Capitol's petty and barbaric ways, etc) and justifications for the readers to want to root for her, to really want her to come out of it all on one piece. Overall, it's a very fine line, but I do think the author treads it well...
and, you know, in case anyone needed a reminder...
I am so ridiculously excited for new TVD, I cannot even... *_*