Some RL ranting (feel free to skip lol): I will never understand why they bother giving us time off from school if all they plan on doing is bombarding us with enough work to deem the fact that we're not actually attending class completely inconsequential. Uggh school, I love you, but sometimes...
FINALLY got around to watching Skins UK! I started
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Comments 20
(And also Cassie is pretty much the greatest thing on earth ever?)
I AM TOTALLY ON THE MINKY TRAIN OMG YES. Although I don't think it will happen, because I don't think Franks is gay buuuut... I'm in love with them anyway. Their scene in this ep was so brilliant and beautiful, I can't.
What were your thoughts on gen 2, btw?
IKR?! that scene = the reason why I ship them!! gaah so lovely <3 but you're right, I don't think Franky is gay, I think they might even use her character to break down particular stereotypes that would generally assume her to be gay, which is great IMO BUUUT MINKY!! ='(
So far, I'm really liking gen 2 =) However, I do think there is a great deal of gratuity with the drugs and the sex in particular (although I don't live in that region so it could just be relative to what I'm accustomed to, but I doubt it) and exaggeration overall tbh. But at the same time there's enough about each character's family life and/or individual struggles to keep them rooted in reality and relatable as human beings.
However, I do agree with miss_blanche in that, overall, this new new season seems much more ( ... )
Make sure you give us your thoughts once you finish the gen!
The scenerio of her losing her virginity was one of the most raw depictions I've seen: the desperation to please, the pain, her desire to seem as if she was so much more experienced than she really was, her discomfort in her own skin
It was ridiculously well done, I agree. It's something that Skins hasn't touched on before and it's one of the many reasons this season feels more authentic for me than the others.
And yeah, 5x03 was probably my favourite episode so far this season. I enjoyed 5x01 though, and 5x04 (have you seen it yet?) was pretty excellent too. I didn't enjoy Rich's episode at all though :/
ITA with you, as much as I'm loving season 3 so far I feel like there's a great deal of gratuity that isn't rooted in the reality I'm accustomed to, you know??
I haven't seen 5x04 yet, but I should tonight, apparently it's very Matty heavy which is ALWAYS a plus hehe ;)
I def. know what you mean :) I think Skins is a lot closer to reality than shows like The OC and Gossip Girl just because of it's style and rawness, but it is def. over the top in terms of drug use and sex. I think its use of humour sometimes takes it away from reality as well - like the drug dealer in season one and gang leader in season three.
Although, having said that, a lot of my peers in highschool were basically living Skins. Personally I'd never try drugs and I'm not a huge drinker but I was (and still am really, lol) in the minority where that is concerned.
5x04 is extremely Matty heavy :DDD I actually didn't ntocie how good looking he was until I watched it. SO, SO ATTRACTIVE, I DON'T EVEN...
I COULD NOT AGREE MORE!! As much as I loved the OC and Gossip Girl (with an emphasis on the past tense for Gossip Girl because my feelings towards that show have declined considerably since the mess that was season 3 lol), they've got nothing on Skins where the raw reality is concerned <33
haha aww that makes two of us, I don't do drugs either (never have) and I don't drink (pretty sheltered overall tbh lol =$) & it does feel like I'm in the minority a lot of the time *sighs* =(
On a more light and fandomy note, does anyone else kinda ship Mini/Franky??
I think that's the most popular pairing in the fandom right now, after Rich/Grace. And HELL YEAH I SHIP IT. ♥ ♥ ♥ There's been a tiny bit of fic, vids, and fanmixes so far... but Skins isn't a very prolific community for that sort of stuff, unfortunately. There's been some fic I've loved and bookmarked in past seasons, but I've given up hopes on it having an explosion of fic at any point. *sigh*
p.s. I don't know if you hang at much at skinsfans, but I LOVE watching the episode with everyone via the livestream as we all live blog comments. It airs at 2pm my time, which luckily works for me.
p.p.s. Do you read the Skins episode commentaries by Rophy? They started with 4x4, went back for S3, and are now doing S5 and S1 of Skins US. Running jokes from Seasons 3&4, amusing gifs, and some insightful characterization and setting ( ... )
Yaay you ship it too!! hehe and yes I'm finding they're quite popular, and Rich/Grace are just too cute for words <3 I've seen a few fanvids, but you're right, there aren't all that many, particularly compared to other fandoms, and the fic is even more rare =(
Ohh I'm so joining that community!! I have to check how the time zone would correspond with mine--hopefully it does because I've actually never done that before and there really is loads to say where this show is concerned...
ooohh yea that blog belongs to bluesuzanne and one of her friends =) I just checked it out last night--BRILLIANT!! sooo much I didn't pick up on with regards the the imagery/dialogue/overall characterization; gaah I feel so inadequete sometimes lol *sighs*
The episodes air at GMT time. This site shows the current time in GMT:
You can use that to figure out what the time difference is for you. I'm PST and it's 8 hours ahead of me. (Skins airs at 10pm or 11pm, I can never remember and I always have to check lol)
The episode discussion posts will helpfully give multiple stream links that you can just click on to watch with everyone.
& thank you so much for the fics!! <33
Do you like gen 2 so far? To be honest, it's my favorite, lol. I loved gen 1, and actually waited a very long time to watch the 3rd series 'cause I just couldn't deal with the almost complete change of cast--but gen 2 by and far had the most characters I related to and loved on a much deeper level. Especially Cook and Naomi and Effy.
I get what you mean, I really did feel for her and get her and where she's coming from in a way that made it almost painful for me to watch her =( I even hate the hell out of Nick for her sake lol--although his episode could possibly mitigate some of that hatred, you never know!!
At the moment I just like Matty/Everyone, Liv/Everyone, and Grace/Everyone. Hahahahahahaha.LOL ship fluidity is the best!! you could just sit back and enjoy the show as long as it works, you know?? I adore Grace and I really do like Liv AND I have the BIGGEST crush on Matty right now so I totatally second you shipping them with everyone (although I am really liking Grace/Rich right now ( ... )
YOU MUST, MUST, MUST watch gen 1.
They are my first true loves.
But I am absolutely adoring gen 3.
Mini's episode....cinematographically-wise, was so insanely stunning. And her story, just everything about it.
It was pure perfection.
I'm by no means a gen 2 hater, I love me some Cofreffy, but nothing will ever compare to gen 1.
Cassie will always be the most amazing television character to ever imperfectly perfectly exist.
I could go FOREVER about Skins.
cinematographically-wise, was so insanely stunning. And her story, just everything about it.
IKR?! my goodness, that scene where she meets up with her mother and then follows her to their complex at the end was breathtaking =O It will forever be engraved in my memories *sighs*
But really.
Post all your thoughts.
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