"telling layla's story spoken, about how all her bones are broken..."

Feb 19, 2011 23:08

Some RL ranting (feel free to skip lol): I will never understand why they bother giving us time off from school if all they plan on doing is bombarding us with enough work to deem the fact that we're not actually attending class completely inconsequential. Uggh school, I love you, but sometimes...

FINALLY got around to watching Skins UK! I started watching Season 3 (because that's the Generation with the characters I find most fascinating--Effy, Cook, and Freddie), and even caught up to last week's episode of season 5--gotta say I'm totally getting the hype ^_^

From reading around, I found out that this episode depressed quite a few people and I was certainly no exception =(

{*} Episodes 5x01 and 5x02 didn't do much for me where Mini was concerned--I mean, I thought she was gorgeous (yes I can be shamefully superficial lol) and I figured that there was some sort of underlying pain/circumstance that made her who she is, but boy oh boy did this episode hit it over the head with a hammer! I mean, the scenerio is nothing that hasn't been done before: beautiful teenage girl puts up an entitled/bitchy front because she's insecure blah blah; but I think the gold here was in the way that it was done. This is a show that (from what I've seen) thrives off the unsaid and the subtle and so we were shown her obsession with weight and body image (there was even a part where she refused to drink in fear of the calories) and the effect her mother's eerily similar ways seem to have on her (and the show drew a pretty awesome parallel between the two at the end when they were both doing "the walk of shame" home).

{*} The scenerio of her losing her virginity was one of the most raw depictions I've seen: the desperation to please, the pain, her desire to seem as if she was so much more experienced than she really was, her discomfort in her own skin--ugghh the entire thing just screamed "REAL" and it broke my heart because I know enough girls who would do almost anything to "please their man" and/or a certain image they've built for themselves and I couldn't not think of them when I watched this =(

{*} On a more light and fandomy note, does anyone else kinda ship Mini/Franky?? IDK, I think they'd be good for one another, particularly that Franky would be good for Mini *-)

! thoughts and things, ! skins (uk), ! my life--as if i have one

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