Silliness ^^

Feb 21, 2010 23:00

So, yesterday I finished work nice and early (1:30pm), an boy was I glad 'cause it was a really shitty day :( But I got all dressed up, 'cause that always helps lol:

I had lots of fun with Dad today! He's been in such a silly mood, and had us all laughing sooo much today with his messing about xD In the car on the way to his he kept driving to the side and stuff when he saw fresh snow, 'cause he wanted to be the first one to make tracks in it xD

I gave Dad his birthday presents today too, as I haven't seen him since before his birthday a couple of weeks ago :O He loved the bonsai tree I got him sooo much ^^ He's always liked bonsai, but has never had one, so he thought it was awesome 8D To go along with his silly mood of today, he has named it 'Serissa' and keeps talking to it xD He seems to think this is one of the requirements for looking after a bonsai properly lol... I'm not convinced it is xD He's gonna go to the garden centre and get a book and the proper little tools needed to take care of one - he seems really into it ^^ That made me happy knowing he was so happy with it <3

Dad went to a pub in town this evening to meet up with some of his mates, and he invited me to come along with him for a little bit before I went home. It was nice hanging out with him for a couple of hours.

I don't even know where today went - I've been up since 8am but it's gone sooo FAST! I've spent a lot of the day just laughing thanks to Dad being so silly xD It's been fun really ^^

photos, dad's, fun, birthday, random, lolita, egl

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