Mizerable? Nah, just highly amused...

Oct 01, 2007 22:38

...'cause when I wash my hair, I look like Emo!Gackt!!! XD

Hehe ^.^

In other news - I think I'm addicted to Battle Royale :s I only watched it two nights ago, but I'm dying to watch it again (I think it's just 'cause I can't afford any more of the manga right now though...) I worked out earlier that if I buy 3 manga every month when I get paid (Forbidden Planet do an offer of 3 for £15), and buy the next Battle Royale and the next 2 Banana Fish (my other manga addiction) each time, it'll take me a year and 2 months to finish reading Battle Royale, and 9 months to finish reading Banana Fish! *cries* That's so long!! I could always read one then the other, but seeing as I've already started both series I guess I should just carry on with both at the same time. But it'll take forever to read them...Ah well, it'll be worth it in the end. Especially Banana Fish - I'm already so addicted to that manga and I've only read one volume - it's so good!

I'll make a proper up date tomorrow when I'm more awake - I've worked so many hours this week, and did an almost 14 hour shift on Sunday, so my tired brain is still recovering XD

manga, photos, gackt, cosplay

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