I saw Tetsu!!

Sep 26, 2007 12:33

...Well, not really :p But when I was on the bus yesterday, just as we were getting near to the final stop in the city centre, I looked out the window and there was a guy walking down the road that looked *just* like Tetsu from L'arc~en~Ciel! Seriously, he was like his twin! O.O

So last night I went to the TokyoPop Recon. It was pretty good actually. There was a cosplay competition, an art competition and a raffle, plus all the manga was on offer for buy 2 get one free! There were previews of upcoming manga for the next 4 months, and Nintendo were also there with previews of their upcoming games and a Wii set up to play on ^.^

I didn't end up cosplaying in the end (I was originally gonna go as Salaryman Kintaro XD), so I just went in lots of Harajuku-style decora instead ^.^ There were some great cosplayers there, and a couple of really good gothic lolitas, but the little girl that  won the competition totally deserved it! She was only 5 years old, and sooo tiny! She was dressed as the girl in Sgt Frog (her name escapes me,sorry), and had this cute bright red wig on tied into pigtails...I'm telling you, she was the most adorable thing I think I've ever seen! She had my vote straight away, and I think she won the hearts of most people there!

Me and my sis didn't win anything in the raffle (boo! XD) but still had a good time none-the less ^.^ I picked up some new pretty manga too: I've been wanting to get my hands on CLAMP's new manga Legal Drug ever since I heard about it's upcoming release a few months back, and finally picked up the first volume yesterday! ^.^ It sounds amazing, looks amazing (as always with CLAMP though), and has two great bishounen and lotsa yaoi shounen-ai <3 With promo pics like this from CLAMP, it's gonna have a huge following ;)

Pretty, huh? ^.^

I also picked up the first volume of Battle Royale (I've wanted to give that manga a try for a while now); it's bound to be awesome! Just my kind of twisted ;) And I picked up Vol. 3 of CardCaptor Sakura: Master of the Clow (also by CLAMP, my favourite manga-ka group), 'cause that one seems to be bloody hard to get hold of, and I collect them ^.^

In other randomness, when the mail arrived yesterday I found a little package that had come all the way from Israel...It was my new rosary! It's very pretty. It's made from black gemstone beads, and pewter for the chain links, cross and Mary symbol. I love it! It reminds me a lot of Hyde's looking at it, come to think of it ^.^

To complete my randomness for the day, I can't stop listening to the song Reila by The GazettE. I thought I'd finally give them a proper go the other day, and went to YouTube. I decided to pick my first GazettE song by just playing the PV that most caught my attention from the screen shot of it...and Reila did 'cause Uruha in the screen shot is looking rather like Cloud from Final Fantasy: Advent Children XD So, I played it...And was completely blown away! Such a beautiful song, with gorgeous music, and beautiful lyrics. Ruki's voice surpised me too when he first started singing, 'cause looking at him I just  didn't expect him to sound like that! His voice is pretty deep, and so beautifully rich. I can totally see myself falling in love with him this band ;) The only thing I'd heard of their's before Reila was the infamous Art Drawn By Vomit (who hasn't heard that song, eh? XD) , and I love it for the sheer hilarity of those famous mis-heard lyrics, but wanted to hear something more...GazettE-like from them XD However, I still wanna d'load Art Drawn By Vomit so badly, I just can't find it anywhere! So, I leave you with a macros, just 'cause I love that song so much XD :

con stuff, manga, ccs, clamp

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