Title: Untitled
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Carson/Teyla
Challenge: Virgin Challenge
"Dr. Beckett?"
The words didn't startle Carson anywhere near as much as they would have two years before. True, hearing Teyla's voice in the middle of the night in his quarters wasn't something had happened often. In fact, ever. He had gotten used to odd surprises and this one wasn't entirely unpleasant. Still, he wished that his brain was a bit more connected before he had to open his mouth.
"Menh?" he managed, rolling over to come face to face with beautiful brown eyes crouched down at his level.
"I am sorry, I should have waiting until morning" She began to strand as his hand shot out of the warm blanket cocoon.
"I'm sorry Teyla. Are you sick? Is something wrong?"
"No, no