Ok, I have a good couple of years worth of stuff I like and have wanted to post but never got the opportunity to do so until now. I'll try to do it a chronologically as possible. ( Read more... )
Hhahahahaah, heyyyyyyyy LJ. RL has been unkind to me lately... I need about 120292929x more sleep than I am currently getting. Also, haven't been able to do much digital art. I have an xmas WIP, but I won't be able to finish in time -__-;
Birthday was good! I had a ton of friends over, and we played Guitar Hero and Apples to Apples. Didn't really get anything gift-wise, but I bought myself a new coat and my parents got me a kit for my car with jumper cables, flashlights and oil. Because I'm an awful driver and need all the help I can get XD