Feb 16, 2005 02:43
Took a trip to the hospital today… around 10 I think,
Just got back like twenty minutes ago.
After having x-rays, pregnancy questions, and long ass q-tips shoved up my nose…
The diagnosis of Vix happens to pertain to 3 very lame things,
Completely unrelated to the plague:
1- I have a viral infection
2- That was spurred on by stress
3- And possibly excessive exercising.
The exercising was apparently the cause of
The deflated lungs with bricks staked on top of them.
Stress made me lightheaded and see sparkly things
And the viral infection just made all the above things suck even more.
So all I have to do is take Rubbo DM,
Which he said would help me sleep (I doubt this though),
Lay off exercising for awhile,
(I don’t count dodge ball as exercising so I’m not giving that up)
And take a crapload of vitamin C.
Which shouldn’t be hard since I like orange juice… and, um, bananas?
Although, to tell you the honest to God truth
I’m just going to hit the pain killers and screw over Robo,
Since that stuff tastes like shite
And everyone knows its better to have a virus mutate
And spread throughout your body
Because as long as you don't feel the pain
Who's to say you are even in pain.
And who cares if you aren't being healed
As long as your body is drugged into oblivion.