Sep 27, 2009 06:28

So My job has been doing some serious flip flopping for like the past year or so so I've been department shuffled a TON of times but now things are looking awesome. They recently reinstated the department I started this job in and I now work under one of the few supervisors I actually enjoy. He can be a heartless bastard (lol) when he needs to get you motivated and getting a pat on the head (figuratively speaking of course) from him makes my day. This also means I'm on a team with friends again and friends who are tenured agents that know their shit. I'm FUCKIN' EXCITED!

The comic I've been working on for the last year and a half or so is coming along. First four pages are plotted out. Rewrites are in order for the first chapter to make sure the story flows smoothly. Hoping to get this thing up and going soon as I've become madly in love with the plot and characters in it.

Looking for places tomorrow again. Looked at one place today but the Basement they were counting as a third bedroom didn't have finished walls *facepalm*. If we don't find "THE" place tomorrow then Thursday and Friday I will look. There's a place with five acres I need to call this morning. Five acres of farmland and enough room for me, Jonathan, Rob, and his little one would be amazing.

Got back in touch with Rattlecat or Rattlekitten or Ash, whichever name suits your fancy. She's thinking of moving down here and we've discussed moving into the same area. It'd be fuckin sweet to have another girl friend in the area. Seems I'm a bit lacking in the chick friend department.

LOL Though I seem to be lacking in the female department over all. In the last year and a half or so I seem to have become more dude than lady. When my hair was short I was mistaken for a dude twice at work. The guys at work say I'm one of the guys and now so do the girls. A penchant for baggy jeans and oversized shirts does it I think, along with the short sleeves over long sleeves look. Wore jewelry to work for the first time in ages this week and had one of my girl friends cock an eyebrow and say "You're wearing a lacy shirt and jewelry . . . should I be afraid?" God forbid if I wore a skirt.

Everyone in my bay found out I could draw and nearly shit a brick. LOL One girl asked and someone was like, "I believe you do not know Hannah . . . " NExt thing I know sketchbooks are demanded and rifled through with lots of admiration. I never know how to take that. It makes me happy but also brings out the shyer side of me that is rather hidden mostly now. Usually a lot of smiling and nodding goes on.

Me and Robbie, one of my best work buddies, keep things moving along throughout the week well. We usually harass each other and everyone else in the bay in the process. Our supervisor doesn't seem to mind. On Friday we started discussing Zelda and Robbie started doing Navi impersonations. He would wait until I was taking a customer off mute and then yell, "HEY! LISTEN!" or "WATCHOUT!"
Then it became, "HEY BITCH! FUCKIN LISTEN!" and "WATCH OUT MOTHERFUCKA!" which had me rolling. He freakin' kills me.

Was reminiscing about the old days again tonight. Moving files over to my new hard drive and came across a lot of old memories. Two music videos I found I'm uploading to youtube. One thing I found was an old soundbyte of me and Heather impersonating Ed and Al. All about Ed getting his hand stuck in a vent and us using cheese to get it back out. I was laughing so hard by the end of it I couldn't breathe. Thinking of uploading it to Youtube as well, possibly with pictures attached. Dunno.
Emoed a bit to Rob about lack of female friend and he flipped me off lol. I consoled him by saying, "But I can't joke with you about yaoi!"
To which he replied, "No my good madam, you may not!"

I miss that though, hanging out with fellow fangirls. Not very many of them around these parts anymore. Since Linds is no longer in the picture due to a falling out it's been all quiet on the female front. Last post said I liked hanging out more with dudes than girls. And it holds true in most respects, but damn, if I could find a single yaoi fan I'd be set lol.

Which reminds me of Friday. One of my closer female friends at work who likes to look over the comic was watching me work on a picture. Innocent little picture of Alec and Gil, two of my guys, with their arms linked. She kept raising her eyebrows at me and saying, "They look like they're off to go DO something . . ."
I laughed at her, she knows they're a couple. And though the image was originally supposed to be a little fluffy flirty piece it somehow ended up with Alec taking off his hat and loosening his tie and Gil with his shirt unbuttoned. She said, "I KNEW IT."
So I told her it was her fault cause they overheard her lol.

Our labrador mix had to go under the knife a month or so ago. Uterus was infected. She was about to die. But the clinic got her fixed up and she's doing a TON better.

One of the vids is uploaded, When in Rome:

image Click to view

Considering going as Harley Quinn from the Batman series for Halloween this year. Not sure that I will though. It depends.

Got a bunch of med bills to pay from the old ticker acting up this summer too. Sucks but hopefully I should be paid up soon.

And yeah . . . on that note, here's some artz:

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