So Rob's birthday was a bit ago. We went to Gattitown and rocked out somethin' major with a few friends . . . AS PIRATES!
Well, me and Rob dressed as pirates anyway lol. No one else really got into it. But this is totally going to be an outfit I wear to work. Possibly this Friday since I'm switching departments again and it'll be my last day:
Captain Rob was EPIC as always!
And my hubby, though not into the whole costuming, at least pretended to be a ninja for a picture lol:
And now I'm working on my Nightcrawler costume! My suit came in the mail yesterday and I should be able to start modifying it soon. Rob's going to be the Blob, Jonathan's the camera man and we may have a Rogue, Storm, Gambit, Logan, Bishop, Nick Fury, and Sabertooth lined up. We plan on making it a trip to Denny's in character. I may be a super effeminate Kurt but *shrug* who cares?
I've also started serious work on my comic. I hope to have the first few pages before the end of the month. I've still got some floor plans to work out first. *is excited* Thinking of hosting it at Smack Jeeves, it seems to be the leading comic host out there. I've even got a few people reading the written out scenes at work.
Been playing through Odin's Sphere again. I forgot how gorgeous that game is. It makes me want to paint in a blue/purple color scheme. Everything's so bright and crisp! And it runs so much better on PS3 than PS2. Still some slow down issues though.
I think I'm going to have Robbie from work over sometime soon. We've all been bitching about how we've got no one to hang out with but none of us ever hang out together. Gotta get him and Nick over one night to hang with the guys and me. Play some Super Smash Brother's Brawl, watch some movies, or something.
It occurs to me that I like hanging out with guys more than girls. Figured this out in the last few months or so. When you hang out with girls you have to put up with a lot of stupidity. Not to say girls are stupid but it seems like a lot of girls I know tend to make dumb decisions and try to justify them later. Or they agree it was stupid and they don't learn from it. Now guys do this too, but the ones I tend to hang with admit it when they're being stupid. lol
Girls I talk to at work don't seem to ever be listening. The guys listen and they get my jokes. There are few girls who can follow a conversation with me father than two words, those two sit near me lol. As I've started to open up at work I've started to get comments like, "Why haven't we ever talked before?"
My usual response, "Because I'm generally that quiet kid in the corner."
The downside of this is I've gotten hit on a time or two lol. I wear my ring so infrequently that no one seems to know I'm married. It irritates my finger though, wearing a ring. And really, the only reason I wear it is to stop that sort of thing. I don't need any symbols to tell me I'm married. He's always on my mind. *smiles*
He's sleeping in the other room right now. Looking adorable, all curled up on the couch. I'm about to go wake him up and listen to him fuss about being sleepy while I pull out the bed. And he'll fuss about how it's almost daylight and I'm dragging myself to bed. And then I'll kiss him and tuck him in and snuggle into his arms and wake up tomorrow to him playing Megaman like he has been for the past month for site reviews.
Maybe I'll convince the guys to go out to college park this weekend with me like we did the other day. Sunset at college park is gorgeous. I'm going to have to check out the booth at Peddler's Mall too, I'm betting the place need a good sweep. We made a good profit this month, so I'm probably going to need to take some more knick knacks down to it.
And after much listening, I've decided that I'm not as fond of Phil Collins music as I thought. LOL. Been listening to it for the past hour to get a feel for one of my characters who loves him. *headdesk* He would have to like Collins. Then again Gil always tends to go off the beaten path. When he turned out to be gay I just threw my hands up and went with it lol. I love character development. You get to make all those spur of the moment decisions that become cemented into a character. I still have a lot of details to flesh out in him to make him as varied as the others but he already makes me smile. I can tell he's got a perfect place in the comic already. I think the song Tearing and Breaking is going to have to go on his playlist.
Holy cow.
Phil Collins did a version of You Can't Hurry Love.
Still not a fan, most of his stuff I can't stand but there are these shining moments like this, the Tarzan soundtrack, and "Can't Stop Lovin' You".
The unholy union of Phil Collins and Kill Bill!
Kill Bill In The Air Tonight (Phil Collins vs Tomoyasu Hotei) - Bobby Martini