"Bang Bang You're Dead..."

Dec 08, 2008 00:50

"Hole In Your Head."

This is just me doing whatever the fuck I want...which results in lots of unnecessary gaudy-ass components that don't go together but I wanna make 'em go together goddamnit, so there!

XD I know. There's a lot of shit going on. And who's anatomy? I've never heard of the bitch...
But I seriously need to have a good sit down with her one of these days to get myself back up to scratch!

Regardless, I had a lot of fun with this!

I also love her gun. Yay for cig-smokin', gun-totin', nuthin-but-panties-and-thigh-highs-wearin', erica's brand of girl gangster XD

Also, I've had this retarded, just for fun, idea for a story involving girl gangsters in the not-too-distant future who fight with musical instruments...

She's got a double-decker piano fan and she will sonically fuck your shit up. Points for whoever guesses the origins of her name (subject to change). Any suggestions for making her more bitchin' are welcome XD

I draw a lot at Genova's because I'm a hostess and there is lots of paper in front of me and I don't move that much. And I took this one home. I will never grow out of that hairstyle.

EDIT: I know it's late now...but...SHE'S MOSTLY NAKED SO DON'T VIEW IF YOU DON'T WANT YOUR BOSS TO POTENTIALLY ACCIDENTALLY SEE WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING AT! In other and better words...not worksafe. I'm so sorry, Rachel ;_; ilu
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