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Jul 30, 2010 20:57

 I am so glad that it is now the weekend! I'm ridiculously tired from working at summer school. I'm still not used to working constantly, all day! I have more hours in a day now than I did in a whole week at Uni! I need to get back to student life, I miss it already :(
Today was the last time we took the kids out on a trip as part of summer school. We went to a museum (which was actually more interesting than I expected) and then to the zoo. Which I loved. Obviously. Even if it was raining. Bad times. It was such a weird day there though. First I saw a girl that I used to dance with who I haven't seen in about 5 years. Although we technically live in the same town its rare for us both to be here at the same time because I've nearly always been at Uni for the last 3 years and she's been working on cruise ships as a dancer for ages. It was really good to see her again though. Then, still at the zoo, I saw a girl I know from Uni. She was in her final year when I was in my first but we know each other because we were both part of the dance society (yep, I dance a lot). She doesn't live where I do, she was just visiting someone else she knows who lives here and we just happened to both be at the zoo at the same time. Weird. And THEN I was looking at the snakes with a group of the kids (they're aged between 11 and 13, with some 16 year olds to help out by the way) and said 'If only I could speak parseltongue, then I'd be able to set the snake free' when this little boy I was stood near, who was about 6 I'd guess, turned to me and went 'I can speak parseltongue!' So I said 'Oh you must be a slytherin then' and his Dad started laughing at him. Then the kid goes 'stop laughing at me or I'll punch you Dad' (in a jokey way of course) and his Dad replies 'well I've never heard Harry Potter say that!' I laughed so so much! I love that I found a fellow Harry Potter geek. Even if he is only 6! Hehe! I make Harry Potter references all the time and this is the first time some randomer joined in. Literally made my week.

Only 6 days left until my boyfriend is here eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (that is the sound of me being very excited by the way). I cannot wait for him to get here. Although I'm still unsure as how to best avoid food when he's here. I have to be like 'the host' seen as he's a guest so I can't really make sure he's not hungry and cook his lunch and stuff and then not have anything myself because he'll pick up in it straight away. I guess I'll try and go with just eating half, or less, of all our meals. I might be eating more than I want still then but it shouldn't be too bad. I dunno. I'll see how it goes when he gets here I guess.

I ended up not going for drinks with my friends yesterday, because I was just too tired, couldn't be bothered to go and wanted to avoid empty alcohol calories. Especially as I'll probably be drinking a lot tomorrow night because it's my friends 21st. I'm so excited for a night out now though. It's been much too long and I shouldn't be too tired tomorrow because I have nothing to do for once and I can lie in! Literally never been this excited about being able to stay in my bed hehe! Hopefully the night will be good and there won't be any drama. Knowing my friends though, something is sure to come up. Ah well, I guess there's no point worrying about anything now, seen as nothing might go on.


P.S. Another cut free day :)
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