Title: Deep In Sleep Pairing: Kangin/Leeteuk Genre: Angst Rating: G Disclaimer: I don’t own them, only the plot. Summary: Conversation between Leeteuk, Eunhyuk and Yesung.
aish. Just as I too had decided it was a waist to cry over guys ever again.. but now I'm crying - 'cause I miss Youngwoon as well s;<3 It must be really hard for all the members - their friendships are amazing.<3 I love SUJU - and I love KangTeuk.<3
It's too hard to bear! I don't know what got into me but I miss him so bad lately... I love suju and kangteuk, too<3 I guess I love them too much so it causes pains sometimes :P
I know exactly how you feel! - I feel that way myself.. He's the reason I started to love SUJU anyway, so without him there; it feels empty s; Ah, the bitter sweet love xD I guess we all feel that at times. and yes, I love them like that too - it's really pitiful I think sometimes; but I can't really help it, can I?:b And to stop loving them is not a possibility!<3
In my case, I fell into teukie first, then got to know about kangteuk and knocked out by our naughty-yet-lovable kang-bear! leeteuk is/was the biggest obsession for me, but I LOVE kangin as much as leeteuk now. It's meaningless to argue which is bigger, because kangteuk is inseparable after all ;D
It must be really hard for all the members - their friendships are amazing.<3
I love SUJU - and I love KangTeuk.<3
I love suju and kangteuk, too<3 I guess I love them too much so it causes pains sometimes :P
Ah, the bitter sweet love xD I guess we all feel that at times.
and yes, I love them like that too - it's really pitiful I think sometimes; but I can't really help it, can I?:b
And to stop loving them is not a possibility!<3
yeah, they are 'an item' :D
loving one, leads to love the other as they love each other! :D
KangTeuk is so real<3
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