Sep 19, 2005 17:29
After a week long battle with a strain of strep throat God reserves only for the most wicked and depraved of human beings, the only battle scar I have is a strange wound on the gum near my wisdom tooth. Hurts alot at times. Canker sore, or have my tooth beavers revolted?
In better news, I had my first day of work today at Pier One. Mostly manual labor, move Box A to Location A etc. They really do have alot of nice furniture though. And with my new handy dandy 20% employee discount, my new apartment is going to be completely deck, decor-wise anyway.
And upon getting home today, I receive a call from Latina Superstar Maria, manager of the Long Beach branch of Starbucks. I start training next Monday.
Two jobs. Ba-gong.
How long does it take to get over a boy? Honestly. I don't want him back. But I want that feeling back. I tell you what, reading old IM conversations, back when he was still new and sweet and interesting? NOT CONDUCSIVE TO ANYTHING. I've been talking to him again, and we're on this strange level of really mean banter, but little actual conversation. He told me about a new girl he's seeing. And how smart, funny, and beeeeeeeeeeautiful (he actually used that many E's) she is. And I think he did it just to see if he could hurt me. He can.
So, I was having a conversation with my father the other day about the fact that I'm scraping bullshit jobs after working "hard" for five years in college to get a degree. I told him there's nothing that English offers in terms of career that really appeals to me. He replied that it didn't matter, and how no one gets a job they have a degree in. This seemed impossible and ridiculous to me at first, but as I began to think about it, it began to make a horrific sort of sense.
We're told as impressionable children that our education, especially college, will be the ultimate contributor to fufilling our dreams. We trudge through papers, mid-terms, finals, some of us throwing ourselves out fucking windows because of the stress, just so we can finally get THE DEGREE. This is where the reality sets in, folks. Talk to the people you know who've graduated college. You'll find that the vast majority of them are working menial jobs, or even worse in my opinion, a job that is a complete sell-out of what they went to school for. The philosophy major making sandwiches at Subway. The public relations major managing a Blockbuster. This is what this country wants from us. Our tuition money under the promise of making your dreams come true. It is fucking bullshit. We're selling ourselves short, myself included. I'm not acting. I'm not working hard enough to see my dreams come to fruition without the taint of the goverment hanging overhead.
So, to all my college friends reading this ... and I'm not kidding ... drop out if you're in it strictly for the academics. You're wasting your time and money. Best to drink and have a great four years filled with good conversations, laughs and sex.