Congress, bah! Bunch of out of work astronauts and C-list actors

May 04, 2007 00:59

So I watched most of the GOP deabtes. It was pretty mind numbing. There was a lot of monotous repetition. ISLAMIC JIHAD ISLAMIC JIHAD ISLAMIC JIHAD. RONALD REAGAN RONALD REGAN RONALD REAGAN. It was getting pretty unbearable towards the end. Maybe if the abortion topic was a pet issue of mine, I'd be a little more interested in large amount of time devoted to that, but honestly i was pretty bored of the extended talk on the subject.

Some of the questions were just retarded. Who the fuck cares if they believe in evolution? What fucking relevance does whether they want to amend the constitution to allow arnie to run for president have? Why the fuck do we care about Karl Rove now? What's the difference between a Sunni and a Shia Muslim? What is I don't give a shit, Alex? Do you trust the media? Do you think Bill Clition coming back to the white house is a good thing? Terri Schiavo? I mean come on!

The fake tough guy act Guiliani probably took the biggest hit tonight. His flip flops and question evading (to the point where he was essentially told to "answer the question" a few times) were the most obvious and his waffling position on pro-life will get him really hammered.

John McCain has officially turned insane. He likes to point his finger at people. A lot. "I'll follow Bin Laden to the gates of hell", he says. Pretty laughable statement.

Can't say much about the other candidates, since they all sounded like mirror images of each other, save for Ron Paul, who was the only one who clearly stood against war, for the free market, and against big government.

Romney apparently "stood out" to the mainstream and was declared the "winner" by most people but I don't really see what he did to stand out from everyone, but then again I have no problem saying I'm pretty biased when i say that.

EDIT: More thoughts after a good nights sleep.
  • The most amusing moment last night was the National ID question. After Guiliani and McCain enthusiaticly supported the National ID, Ron Paul defiantly stood against the measure, because well it's anti-freedom and anti-american. Every candidate thereafter who spoke said he was against the measure, and the next opportunity McCain and Guiliani both "clarified" their support for the measure by saying, "Oh I meant the national ID should only be for non-citizens". All the more amusing because the Rudy and McCain are lying about that.

  • Going back to the "follow him to the Gates of Hell" proclamation, I thought it was odd, because McCain won't really be following anyone to the gates of hell. he'll be sending expendable soldiers to do that. Despite his military background, he really has gone full blown chickenhawk.

  • John McCain is really angry about earmarks and pork barrel (i'm sure he'll follow anyone who sends him earmark billls to the gates of hell as well), but when given the opportunity to name something that he would immediately cut, he declined.

  • Ron Paul didn't get an opportunity to talk about why going to war with Iran was a really horrible idea (he got in remarks on how we need a non-interventionist foreign policy, but was not asked any questions directly about Iran) , and that's a real shame, because the unanimous "Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran" talk needs to be countered.

  • A lot of people joked about how Ron Paul was the "angry libretarian". But John McCain was the really angry one, making crazed rants on every little thing that pissed him off. Whether this was a good thing or bad thing for him I guess will remain to be seen.

  • In retrospect, the most retarded question of the night was asking some of the candidates "What's your biggest weakness?" It's retarded to ask that in a job interview, and it's even more so retarded to ask it in this setting.

  • MSNBC did a horrible job managing the event. Chris Matthew's questioning for the most part was intentionally goading and constantly cutting most of the candidates off without letting them finish their thought. This was one of the rare times I ever tuned into MSNBC and it will probably be the last.
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