A Mix of 'Ugh' and 'Yay'

Feb 01, 2008 17:37

I just got home from class, put gas in my car... it was less than a quarter of a tank (why I let it get that low, not even I know.. laziness I guess) and I'm starting the slow process of packing to visit my parents for the weekend. My mom's been cleaning frantically for me to get there (still, most likely it will just be stuffed in the closet-- it's become a closet itself, my old room has) and my dad's planning on going winter camping next weekend  ::amorous nudge towards Skye:: He's been planning this trip a while with, "the men." lol. In my opinion it's about time my dad did something with his friends other than go onto "lunch break" in the cafeteria.

Last week he bought woolly socks, looked at sleeping bags (since I inadvertently have his somewhere.. and it's too old and not good for "winter" camping anyways) and most likely bought a new flashlight to replace the hoarde of broken ones he has. I still laugh at the memory of my mom trying to get him to buy cutesy socks with little bear designs, knowing he's a minimalist at heart. In actuality I think my dad owns about three pairs of white socks (one pair with a huge hole straight through the heel and toe-- yet he loves the things) and one mix-matched sock of blue and black that don't go with anything in his sea of black socks. Anyways, I especially wanted to see him before he goes into, the great beyond! ::snickers:: My mom still doesn't get it.. why he wants to go. I just laugh and jokingly tell her, "It's a man thing"-- secretly sharing a glance with my dad that seems to say that I wish I could go.

Back to the subject of school, however, I've been working my butt off in Illustrator.. I still am actually and I'm starting to miss when projects would end at the same time. I turned in one today and in turn now have two more. Whoop-de-do. True I've been procrastinating just a bit, but it was worthwhile... especially when hot-springs are involved. ::winks at Safire and Skye::  I suppose I still am procrastinating a bit, but I'm too wired right now to do work-- if that makes since. It's this sort of mood I'm in that always has me baking muffins for unknown reasons. 
Oh and because I had half an hour to spare between classes I made an new icon..   ::points up::  Hurray!-- and it's all drawn in Photoshop too.  :o)

Now then...   ::cracks knuckles::  It's time for some pimpage and a few reminders.

* Voting ends for Dokuga on February 3rd 10th, so don't forget to cast your vote-- there's quite a good turn out for this first quarter and it's a great place to find good Sess/Kag reads!  
* Feudal Tales is accepting entries to its Myoga prompts until February 8th (tis muy bueno fun!!)
* Seconding has begun at the IYFG
* Oh and Forthy's "Perfect Compliment" Challenge has started as well. (I'll be posting the beginning of my clump of drabbles, later tonight)  ::grin::
* One last thing.. February has begun, my friends, and you know what that means right? Banners!! In addition to the Dokuga awards banners I'll be making, there are a few birthdays we have this month (including mine) as well as Valentine's Day! I'll be handing out some Valentines to my dear LJ friends and anyone else that lets me know they'd like one, really.  As before, if there are any desired specifics simply let me know.. otherwise it'll be a complete surprise and you all are at my mercy. Mwaahaahaa!! I'm done now. Ta!

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