I was tagged by both
minerva_one and
nicolemoore1981 to do this-- not like I'm arguing. Hmm.. I wonder if that means I have to do twice as many. lol.
Originally from
numisma ► Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
► Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
► At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
1. In High School I took two years of both French and Spanish.. resulting in my utter weirdness of having a favorite word from each of them as well as from the English language. Thus, my favorite words are... Spanish: Amarillo (yellow) French: Jamais (never) English: Plethora. I know, I know.. nerd right? Still, I'm proud! ::readjusts glasses::
2. I went to Yellowstone last year with the sole hope of seeing a wolf (yes, I wanted to see the rest, but the wolf was the gem) and was denied. (::sarcasm:: what a surprise) I did, however witness a family of coyote pups (four of them) from close range. They were sooo cute! :D
3. Going back to the whole 'foreign language' thing.. it makes me happy when I see things written in French. This can be from those little safety warnings in packages, to street signs.. even going as far to my reading the english version alongside the french language instruction manual for just about anything. I'm like a kid in a candy store when I see French.
4. I have been to five countries in Europe, two in the United Kingdom, Mexico, Alaska, .. etcetera .. and yet only this past year did I go to a State Fair for the first time. ::shrugs::
5. I love playing Checkers, but have yet to this day been able to learn even the basics of Chess. It's too much to remember for me. I keep trying every year but my teachers never get far past what each piece's name is and how it can move. Maybe I'm just hopeless like that.
6. Pretty much my only friend up to the beginning of High School (excluding my quote on quote, "twin" (I'm an only child) and the few that moved out-of-state) was my dog.
7. When people say I smile too much.. it only makes me smile more. (and people say it a lot too)
8. When I go to art museums, as strange as it sounds, I don't go to look at the art. When I go it's almost like a test. I ignore completely the tag next to it explaining the artist, medium, etcetera and instead see if I cannot figure out the medium, artist, time-period (estimatively), style, theme/ideal purpose for myself. True, it may make the guards a bit uneasy when they see me awkwardly going up almost touching the painting to then walking ten feet back to look at it, then back again. ::sigh:: Perhaps this is why I was never able to make in anywhere near through all of the Louvre. (for time reasons-- that and my father's wallet/passport was stolen.)
Hmm.. now for the inevitable tagging. ::grins::
shon_7 forthrightly mistresssafire priestess_skye minerva_one nicolemoore1981 kotorii ..and..uh..
demonlordlover2 (ha-ha. I guess I cheated there.)
::blinks:: Well? Whatcha waitin' for? Meme, I tell you!! lol.
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EDIT: Somehow, in lieu of recent events, I feel like I've been suckered into this. I've joined a new challenge community..
inuyasha_et_al . Not only is their community name in a foreign language (Latin to be exact), but they focus in on alternate pairings!! *cough*Rin/Jaken*cough* ::grins::