Grumble Grumble - having switched to a google account I created a new blog amongst the little collection I manage for New Writers' Group Inc. I created a profile. I discover that all those blogs now have a ZineWest profile - including of course my personal photo blog. You can fiddle with the html a bit but basically from what I can work out - one google account=one profile. So when they say nothing will change - ha ha. I had different profiles on all my blogs before I had a google account.
So lots of work - anyway helped me decide to scrap a couple of blogs - but I don't like being pushed into it.
Could have told me!!!!!!
Now I have two google accounts but can't really swap from one account to the other - I think.
Well here's something I salvaged from a blog that was going nowhere anyway How publishers pick titles - I thought you'd have to be more careful!