Richard Flanagan - The Unknown Terrorist

Nov 14, 2006 20:25

Ive just read my copy of November ABR and got excited. How can you get excited over a very drab looking literary mag? Well because the arguments inside are fast and furious. Two well known 'debators' (I nearly said combatants) are at it again - or at least one of them has thrown down the gauntlet.

Peter Craven has just reviewed Richard Flanagan's latest book, "The Unknown Terrorist" and revealed all over again what he thinks is wrong with Flanagan's writing BUT I get the impression that he couldn't put the book down, despite some little asides about Flanagan's unfamiliarity with the thriller genre. I eagerly await the next ABR for Flanagan's reply.

Compaint of the week. I had to hunt Flanagan's book down in the meagre "Literary" section just as I had to hunt down John Updike's "Terrorist". That's okay, you might think, the bookshop stocked the books you were after but why oh why doesn't Flanagan have a whole window or something! Why is the Frederick Forsythe offering on terrorism, "The Afghan", up the front for all to see? Discrimination against Aussie writers I reckon. After all this is not "Gould's Book of Fish" (Flanagan's widely published previous book) which only some readers finished.... "The Unknown Terrorist" is going to give Updike and Forsythe a run for their money, I hope.

Have to admit that Craven's comments on the opening words were apt - I think Flanagan should steer clear of Jesus and Nietzsche until he's boned up more (don't know enough about Nietzsche to pick holes but I think I could argue against Jesus being history's first suicide bomber). However another five minutes and I'm hooked. Ten more and Flanagan's created two disparate worlds: the boring bar where Doll does her pole dancing and the harbour view upmarket lunch where TV journalist Richard Cody suffers a career setback. Despite my diminshing brain cells - I can still remember these scenes - plus some detail! Don't care how "rough" the writing is, it's working so far.

Cartoonists all and those who love politics with some merriment check out SMH Rocco's latest


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