Nov 03, 2004 16:06
i can't help but be scared for the fate of this nation.
To the 51% of Americans who voted for Bush: congratulations on electing the biggest moron on the face of this planet. maybe you'll think twice about your vote when:
1) you or your daughter gets raped and can't get an abortion
2) you get Alzheimers and there is nothing out there to help you and there never will be because no research will be conducted to find that cure
3) your son or daughter or friend or co-worker is gay and don't get the same rights as everyone else
4) you leave college and there are no jobs out there; your parents get laid off -- you're poor and live in dirt for the rest of your life
5) America gets invaded again, and again Bush is incompetent at apprehending those responsible
6) your guy friends get drafted off to a war that we shouldn't be in in the first place
7) you finally realize that animals and plants are progressively dying off and our air and water are getting dirtier everyday and HEY - THIS SUCKS BECAUSE THIS IS MY FUTURE ENVIRONMENT.
8) the national debt will become so large that TAXES WILL HAVE TO BE RAISED AGAIN (even higher) to repay these debts. don't thank Bush for the tax cuts -- you or your children will just have to suffer the consequences later
9) while Bush is busy playing hop-scotch with the oil guys in Iraq, Korea bombs us.
there's more, but i'm getting mad again.
look for me in Canada after I graduate.