Here's the list I made at the end of last year. Half of 2011 has past.. Let's see what has been striked off the list:
- GRADUATE!!! Yes, top of my list. 2 more modules, 4 months to go! DONE!
- Treasure everyone around me, especially the few who mean the world to me. Ongoing, ongoing.
- Drag Joel to get his diving licence, which will prolly mean a re-course for me. If I don't offer to do it with him, he'll prolly never get it off his to-do list. Still no time for this. Bah!
- Perth! Perth will have to wait since we decided on Shanghai instead.
- S95 Got it, love it!!
- A watch. I've been wanting watch(es) for years, ever since my previous one died on me. But I can never decide on *A* watch! A CK :)
- A career change, maybe? Hmm.. Yes, I have quit my job. But not quite willing to find a new one just yet.
- Save moolah!!! None coming in, so none to save. :(
- Enjoy good food and drinks! Whoa, this is one have I've been doing too often! The most frequent being Bistro Du Vin. And there's KBBQ, Food For Thought, Jones the Grocer, Sushi Tei, seafood seafood seafood, Starbucksbucksbucks.. Basically ALOT of money spent on food!
- Beach or short getaways! This is quite possible in the near future.
- BKK, hopefully. So many travel plans.. realistically, idk how many I'll be going for.. But I guess it's always good to dream, and work towards it. Same as previous, this is pretty feasible... Cuz I just won travel vouchers!! Not sure of the details yet though. HAHA!!
- Cook. Try more recipes other than pastas. Lol. Hmm, so far it's still been pastas, but I think I've pretty much perfected my beef bolognese. My girlfriends are dying to try it. LOL.
- Read, watch, learn, DO. Maybe when I get outta my lazy mood. :p
- Live healthy. Notice I'm not even touching on weight. Hahaha. With the amount of food I've been consuming, I guess not?
- Be better and stronger!! Always, always. :))
Another half a year to work on it
I kinda miss my long hair. Oh well, I think it's gonna be this way all my life. When my hair is short, I pray it long. When it's finally long, I can't wait to snip it off. What's a girl gotta do? :(