pros and cons
So, my beautiful, loving mother gave me her iBook that she no longer uses. This will be very handy for school, for why:
- It's half the wieght of my other laptop, so taking it around campus won't be a problem.
- The art depo only uses Macs. Now I have one.
- It has an airport card (integrated wireless), whereas with my other laptop, I had to use a PCMCIA adaptor.
- It is a sexy looking machine. Macs, if you haven't noticed, have achieved an aesthetic that PCs consistantly lack. Although it is scratched up quite a bit, but that just means that I can cover it in stickers. XD
What I have failed to mention is that this beautiful machine was COVERED IN DOG HAIR, COFFEE STAINS, AND SOME UN-IDENTIFIED STICKY ORANGE SUBSTANCE. I should have taken a picture of it. It was so disgusting. XD I spent about six hours yesterday taking it apart and cleaning it. Most of that time was spent taking apart and cleaning the keyboard; I must have pulled enough dog hair out of that thing to build another dog. X)! If you are still having difficulty imagining this, let me put it this way: no amount of canned air could have saved that thing X_____X I had to clean it with q-tips.
After I had finished and put everything back together, Max looked at it and said "Wow, it looks like a completely different computer!" And seriously, it did @___@ yes, before and after pictures probably would have helped.