I never realized that February was going to be such a good month for television. At least for me.
I've got Skating with the Stars on Mon (way more impressed with this than Dancing with the Stars- because wow! skating is hard, yo.) American Idol on Tues and Wed, House on Tues. And Survivor and CSI on Thurs. Both NEW tonight! Wonder if the format of tonights CSI will be really all that different.... am hankering for a REAL Greg-centric episode after Kiss Kiss, Bye Bye. Not knowing any of his background is good for writing fic, but it's slightly frustrating that we haven't learned anything truly revealing about him in five years. Just one small moment, a glimpse of Papa Olaf or a photo that he lingers over for some sentimental reason... just something, anything, like Sara had when she looked up her mother's case or Gil's odd confession to Cath about his dad's death. A tiny nugget to work with is all I'm asking for. Is that so wrong?
Also? Nascar is starting its season on the 19th. Rock and roll. Right,
shacky20? Jamie is now #26, Crown Royal. I'm gonna miss the black and red 42 though.