My fallen Kingdom ...

Jul 07, 2005 13:43

Its the law of the universe that when one part of your life rises above .. the other falls spectacularly to pieces. It had come to my attention that a particular friend of mine had been betraying me. Verbally she had been throwing all sorts of attacks towards me and behind my back. To many of my friends she would smear my name left and right. But to my face offer a smile. Its one of those things that you sit and watch and analyze. I wondered if she would stop and maybe think ... "wow .. Micha never talks shyt about me, she lets me do whatever I want and well why the hell am I being so cruel?" She never did, I confronted her about the situation, and she denied all alligations. My friends are very trust worthy and the ones who were telling me, were the closest of friends. I dont understand why she just didn't admit it ... if she had so much contempt towards me, why not just tell me? The most recent incident had the lines
"I dont know what you see in her ..."
Cheapshot at me, my friends, and my family. That was it. Nomore. Ironically enough, this girl was my roomate. And well ... its about time shes finds a new place. I wasn't just about to sit here and wait till it became some sad tragedy ... I wasn't going to wait till it was my time to say a revised version of ...
"etu brute??"

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