missing Jayne

Nov 12, 2007 10:39


Everybody has tried to reach you: emails, PMs and LJ entries, nothing has worked. At this point, I'm sick of worry and praying that you're alright. Don't know if something happened in RL or you just got sick of LJ and fandom stuff, all I can think is that you're gone and it's been hard.
Since the moment I met you, you brighten up my days with your comments and fanfics, we connected through fandom and slowly became friends, sharing a lot about our lives. Often people think that LJ friends are not the same as the ones we usually have around, they're different but not less important, it's true what they say you don't realize how much you care til you loose someone.
Yesterday I was picking up chinese food when I noticed the man beside me had a star tattoo on his forearm, it was so similar to yours... made me miss you even more. 
All I want is for you to know how much I care and how I would love to have you back.
I'm here for you, no matter what. *hugs you so tight it hurts*

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