Jan 26, 2006 18:19


So I've finally completely caught up here...that month killed me.

And in the process, I collected a veritable shitload of quizzes, memes and linkspam that I am going to post here in intervals ^_^.

In the meantime, there's been classes. Lots of them. Invading. GUH.

Last week, my Psychology professor, Professor Magley, couldn't get the mouse to work on the computer so she could show us her powerpoint slides for the day. So she calls the (dum da da DUM!) IT guys in to fix it for her. Which they proceed to do in all of 5 minutes. Which leads me to believe that she is rather computer illiterate.

But I digress. One of them left his cell phone on the counter. And, to the amusement of everyone, it went off. So Magley just sits there and stares at it shaking, moving itself across the counter when somebody goes "Answer it!!" So she goes to pick it up..."Oh, but it's stopped. OK."

She goes to put it back down, then reconsiders. "I'm going to go put this out in the hallway so it can't distract me." Halfway to the door, back to the class, she suddenly whips around and announces;


The class = dead.

Then there's the classification of professors with weird quirks. I've got 3 of them this semester. First, we've got Professor Cooley in Biology. Now, he seems innocent enough. But halfway through a lecture, you can't help but notice something strange about his voice. It finally hit me yesterday. Cooley must have gotten a voicebox transplant from Kermit the Frog. He sounds just like him. I'm expecting the next class to start with "Hi ho, Cooley the frog here, and this lecture is brought to you by the letter O, for osmosis!"


Next is Professor Gradie in Anthropology. Gradie is every boring thing all rolled up into one. He's like a cross between Ben Stein in every movie he's ver been in, and Woody Allen for his accent. And his lectures are mind-numbingly boring, so all I'm beginning to hear is "Beuller...Beuller..." Except for when he started talking about how his South American guide went and bought him a new notebook for his field study, and it had "a young lady in a rather advanced state of undress...I believe her name is Christina Ag-u-i-lera?" This man is an archaeologist. He's about as old and dusty as the stuff he studies. Picture him carrying around a notebook with a picture of Xtina on the from. Much hilarity ensues.

Lastly, there's Andre' Lamoureux. Math Teacher from Planet Weird. He tells us that we're going to have to write papers for his class...MATH CLASS...and then says "And everybody should respect the plaigiarism rules. Because if you can find it on the internet, chances are, so can I. I Google random things for fun in my spare time."


"Yes. I'm weird. I know."

Oh, this is going to be a FUN semester.

Lazy Sunday -- It's the Chronic-WHAT-cles of Narnia!! Andy Samberg + Chris Parnell = So. Much. Love.

Random Chuck Norris Fact Generator I know a lot of you have seen this already, but I think it's hilarious. My favorite? "Chuck Norris doesn't go hunting, because 'hunting' implies the possibility of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing."


Best Blonde Joke I've Ever Seen!

Lazy Monday -- Color Me Mine!! The West Coast's answer to SNL!! BRILLIANT!!

sat under a tree with

What's Your Harry Potter OTP?
St. Dymphna's - A Harry Potter RPG


What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

retrojunk, links, school, blonde joke, chronicles of narnia

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