Jul 12, 2010 22:41
Hi guys - so it just occurred to me that I have no idea how I am going to handle two kids by myself on the way to Chicago next week. Here's the problem.
I need to bring the carseat for Noelle, which would necessitate a Snap N Go. Then I have no stroller for Mike. How do I get around the city w/out a stroller for him?? Not possible. There is going to be one day when Rory has to work, so I don't have the option of pushing two strollers.
So then I could use my City mini jogger, which has a carseat adaptor. But that thing is huge. Would the airport even let me gate check that thing? It is a side by side, so it doesn't fit through the xray machines, etc. And if I check it, I have no way of getting Noelle around the airport - I can't carry her in the carseat and manage Mike. So if I use the Bjorn, I'll have to check the stroller, the carseat, and a pack n play for her - is that crazy??
I have a side by side Maclaren which is a more reasonable size, but you can't use the carseat in it. So I guess I could check the car seat and pack n play, then gate check the maclaren and I'm out of luck on the off chance I get a seat for Noelle.
I know several of you are pros at this by now (Rachel and Robyn - I'm looking at you!) Help!!