Title: There Are Many Ways to Go About It
nbckinkPrompt: 30 Rock, Jack/Liz, anal.
Warning: anal sex.
Spoilers: "Cooter," "Apollo, Apollo," & others, but nothing recent
Word Count: 4,251
Rating: NC-17
Notes: I was going to post this anonymously, but when something gets this long, I feel I may as well attach my name to it even if I feel a little
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I did not see that scene coming in the book. I had to read it twice going: 'Is she saying what I *think* she's saying...?!!' And I was so disappointed in the movie. Especially since the casting was perfect. But I greatly disagree with the direction and the slant of the screenplay. And I'm not one of those people who think that the movie can never be as good. It's a different animal, but I don't think they got even close to capturing what I loved about that book.
(I recently got an idea for a slightly kinky fic but it came from an episode...and I am not sure whether or not to write it...)
Obviously you should write it. And obviously I would say that, I guess. But anyway, if you don't mind telling me, I'd like to know what this slightly kinky idea is.
I think I'm open-minded about adaptations, but I do also feel more frustrated by movies that had good source material and then squandered it/didn't know how to handle it.
Oh, it's not *that* kinky, not compared to this. Not that anal is kinky or weird etc. It's totally NORMAL. For gay dudes. And Jack. Or whoever wants to try it. Actually, I think reading too much fanfic over the years has permantently skewed my take on what is kinky or weird or normal. Although its also possible that people are far kinker and weirder in real life than in fiction. I base this on the life of Anais Nin which I have recently read about.
Anyway, the point. Cos this is getting long. My idea has to do with handcuffs. That is all. Not that shocking really. OR AM I? What might shock you is if I actually wrote it and posted it in good time. ::rolls eyes at self::
I think it an unbelievable trangression to take a fantastic book and not relay on film how fantastic it is. You know how up in arms I get about stuff like that. This is mostly why I haven't seen "Water for Elephants" yet, although again, the casting is pretty good for the roles.
I think fanfic has skewed my take on what's normal, too... but then there are things that I will write/read about that I wouldn't be okay with on a personal level? So I also wonder if deep down, I'm a prude.
I completely approve of handcuffs!fic. I hope you end up writing it.
I have never read Water for Elephants, but from what I hear the movie is not so great. I can't remember the exact complaints, but it apparently doesn't do the book justice, so you'll probably right to stay away.
So I also wonder if deep down, I'm a prude.
I wonder this too!! (While writing in a post about anal sex, but okay...)
I completely approve of handcuffs!fic. I hope you end up writing it.
Don't think I'm gonna get the time... :)
My sister saw WfE...she said the animal cruelty was hard to take. And that's one thinkg I have a very low pain threshold for.
Well, I'll hope for a school break that will provide handcuff opportunities... man, that sounds weird. I could rewrite the sentence, but I kind of like that it sounds weird. Good luck at school, again, btw! :)
It's one of the things that I have trouble with, too, in movies.
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