Talk German to Me, Baby (30 Rock, Jack/Liz)

Jun 12, 2011 23:02

Title: Talk German to Me, Baby
For: nbckink
Prompt: 30 Rock, Jack/Liz, Speaking German in bed.
Spoilers: through "Black Tie"
Word Count: 734
Rating: R
Summary: Lemon allows dirty talk in German.

Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue!


Lemon allows dirty talk in German.

At first -- when she doesn't make a face after he uses the language to say he wants to take her home and fuck her, and furthermore replies with, "Okay, that's... let's do that. If you want. Sounds... yeah. Good." -- he assumes she has a rule similar to one that used to exist in GE's policy regarding sexual harassment:

Sexually-charged language only counts as inappropriate if it's communicated entirely in English.

(There was a lawsuit from NOW. The guidelines were rewritten. The nineties got a little less enjoyable.)

And he likes the idea of having a loophole. (He misses the nineties.) Likes knowing he can get away with being somewhat direct, if perhaps not incredibly explicit, about his wants.

Though he's adjusted his expectations for his intimate life when it comes to his current relationship, there are things he misses.

But, later, while they're in his bed:

Jack is in his underwear. Liz is still wearing every item of clothing she put on this morning--

(It can take a while to coax her into nudity after getting her to bed. Sometimes, Jack lets Liz keep her clothes on and pretends they're having rushed-but-not-really sex in his office, among a variety of other places he could be/has been caught having sex.

So, in a way, he's found a loophole in regards to roleplaying as well.)

--and he kisses beneath her ear right before he whispers about his desire a second time. She arches up against him; her leg wraps tighter around his waist, drawing his body closer.

"Do you like that?"

She arches an eyebrow. "Like what?" He doesn't reply. "Seriously, what are we talking about?" She opens her mouth slightly; stops pretending to not understand his question. Apparently she's still not entirely comfortable with the idea of having turn-ons. "The talking in German thing? Maybe. I mean... it's a great language. Right?"

"You know how I feel."


It's a language both intensely beautiful and highly erotic, and he communicates this belief in German between kisses on the part of her chest her dress doesn't cover.

The heel of her foot rubs against the back of his thigh. "Ja."

As he slides his hand up the inside of her leg, he keeps talking. Continues still as he pushes her panties to the side and moves his fingers over her. She doesn't respond in anything but moans, even when he comments on how wet she is.

(She's not a fan of the word 'wet' in a sexual context, to the point of once ending their night early when he commented on her state of arousal. He considered it a sign of growth that, after she made her hasty exit, he masturbated instead of calling someone else to take her place.

He never told Liz about this sign of growth. She certainly would have taken it the wrong way.)

Jack gets even bolder after he gets Liz out of her clothes, declaring his desire to taste her. After a moment of hesitation, in which he can almost sense the part of her that is put-off by the thought of having his tongue in such an intimate area warring with the rest of her, she replies:

"Versuchs halt mal." He starts to kiss his way down her stomach. "But if it's too creepy--"


"I don't think there's a German word for Donaghy."


"There isn't."

"Zitrone." He shifts so his head is level with hers. He kisses her mouth. "Entspann dich!"


His head dips down to her chest, and from there he continues his path down her body. She squirms, either from a primal sense of anticipation or her infinite supply of anxiousness. When he looks back up at her from his place between her parted legs, her eyes are closed. He waits for a moment, letting his breath fall against her as he spreads her open. Her expression turns into a grimace.

He kisses the inside of her thigh. Gets his first taste of her. He kisses her there a second time as he caresses the curve of her hip. "Entspann dich!"

Liz exhales. "Ich bin entspannt," she says. "I'm totally ents--"

He lightly moves his tongue over her sex before muttering a bit of German gibberish. There's an 'oh,' and he licks her again. And again. She doesn't tell him to stop.

He keeps talking.


Versuchs halt mal = Go for it. Entspann dich = Relax. Ich bin entspannt = I'm relaxed. Hopefully this is all used properly. Thanks to those on my flist who know German.

jack/liz, 30 rock

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