Title: Not That One
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
Sex 2Prompt: #13. Edge
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Summary: She's never really considered being with Jack. (Reference to 'Plan B.')
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
cut tag. )
I don't think he's completely damaged, either, exactly, but I have found myself less hopeful about him, I guess? I think he's not been a great friend or a great father, and I don't think his relationship with Avery is too positive, either, so I think I miss feeling he has a real present emotional connection with someone? Not that I think his friendship with Liz is that distant and terrible, or that he's never going to be a good father, it's just that it seems a little hollow to me. I think they have been purposely moving away from 'emotional' stuff, so I think I've started to feel distant from him myself. (I wanted to feel heartwarmed by the end of 'Plan B,' but it didn't work on me.)
I do agree, I feel like Liz has been wrong about that, too, and I also appreciated that about the episode. I was feeling like the other shoe would never drop when it came to "Carol is the same person as I am and that is great!"/"Avery and I are exactly alike and that means we're beyond soulmates!" and I'm glad it did.
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