Title: One Time Too Many
100_situations #068. Scatter
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
Word Count: 618
Rating: PG
Number Two.Summary: This week, Liz has been spending every night at Jack's. (Part of the '
Stay With Me' series.)
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue!
This week, Liz has been spending every night at Jack's. All by his invitation, and she wonders if he's... stocking up. No. Those are not the right words. If he's... making the most of his time... That's not how she should describe this, either. Point is, very soon, his daughter -- almost four weeks old, and Liz still hasn't gotten used to the idea of 'Jack as a dad,' even though she's seen him with the baby many times, heard him wax poetic about his offspring -- is going to spend the weekend at his place for the first time, and she's not going to see him, so.
Making up for lost future sex, is what they're doing.
Or not.
They're having sex during these nights. She's not saying they're not having sex, just that the phrase isn't right...
Never mind.
"So," she says, "how is it going to work? The weekend visit thing? Are you... did you hire a nanny or something?"
(It's Thursday night, eleven o'clock. Tomorrow, Jack will be home with his baby while Liz will be watching her cast wave goodnight and pondering whether she wants to go to the afterparty or crush through the Friday night crowds to go home to an empty apartment.)
"You've met my nanny."
She tugs at the pajama top she borrowed from him. It's too big and it's silk -- Jack isn't a dude who should own silk pajamas, she thinks, but he does, so -- but she doesn't hate wearing it. "That was Avery's nanny, I thought."
"We're sharing her. To give Abbey some consistency." He pauses before tossing off, "And I'm certain Avery hopes to use her to spy on me."
"That's... she's not going to do that."
"It's what I intend to do, and I know Avery isn't going to miss an opportunity--"
"What you're saying--" (She's sick of hearing about their post-relationship wars.) "--is that you want me to get all your porn out of the house."
"Trust me, Lemon, Avery's well aware of my collection."
She hesitates. "Well. Great."
He leans closer, kissing her clothed shoulder. "I do think I could find something that would appeal to you--"
She kisses him to shut him up. "Don't talk to me about porn." Her hand lingers on the side of his face. She kisses him again. "I'm gonna go. I should go. Sleeping at your place four days in a row... I don't know, it's too much."
As she moves to the edge of the bed, he says, "You could stay."
She stands; starts to collect her clothes, which are scattered throughout the room. (Why is her bra not here?) "I'm gonna go." (Aha, by the closet! She doesn't remember him tossing it, but he obviously did.)
"I assume you'll want to come over during the weekend."
She stops, both in terms of moving about his bedroom and internally debating whether or not she should get dressed in front of him. "Why?"
He raises his eyebrows expectantly. "You don't want to spend time with my child? I would think your biological clock demands time with any child--"
"My biological clock would demand my *own* baby, don't you think?" Her tone is angrier than she means for it to be, and she looks away before she registers Jack's reaction. "Just... don't talk about my biological clock, okay? It's not something I feel like joking about right now. Or ever--"
"I'll refrain."
She meets his eyes. Gives a weak half-smile. "Thank you."
"I'd like for you to come over," he says. "I'd like for you to spend time with Abbey."
She nods; exhales. "Okay. I'd like that, too."