Title: I Won't Call You Honey Again
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
RomancePrompt: #5. Endearments
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Summary: After three months together, Jack starts using terms of endearment.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
After three months together, Jack starts using terms of endearment.
Liz doesn't like it.
Especially when he includes her name, as in, "Lemon, honey," which, in addition to sounding like a cough drop flavor, makes her feel... weird. Maybe it's silly to object to him being affectionate, but... she can't help it. She's not meant to be a sweetheart. After five days of various endearments, she communicates her objections by saying:
"Cut it out."
He stares at her.
"With the honeys and the sweeties and everything."
"In other words, you wish to end our relationship."
"I've found that when a woman doesn't want to have a pet name used in reference to her, she's either preparing to leave or attack with a blunt object."
He steals a glance at her hands. She holds them up, palms exposed.
"I don't want to leave you or hit you."
"That's a relief for both my heart and skull."
"It's just weird, you calling me honey. You barely even call me Liz. For you to honey me, it's... weird. Just... really weird. For some reason." She sighs. "I'm not explaining this well. If you were me, you'd get it."
"Though I'm not you, I believe I understand your point." He nods. "Very well. I will not call you by anything but your name. And while we're discussing monikers we dislike, I don't wish to be called 'moneybags' or 'meal ticket.'"
She frowns. "I never called you those."
"I know; a previous lover did. I found it very demeaning. In her defense, that was undoubtedly the effect she was going for."
"Well, to me, you're more than a sack with a dollar sign on it that can get me food."
"If I could, I would call you sweetums right now."
"Sweetums? Really?" She shrugs. "I have no problem with you kissing me. So. You could do that."
He does.