Title: Imaginary Babies
Fandom: 30 Rock
Characters: Liz, Jack, Bianca
Pairing: (mild) Jack/Liz
drabbles100 #028. Children
Word Count: 341
Spoilers: "Black Tie"
Rating: PG
Author's Notes:
Table is here. Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
The second time Jack pretends Liz is his girlfriend in order to irritate Bianca, he says, "I don't know if you've heard, but we'll soon be welcoming an addition to our family."
If Liz weren't too stunned to speak, she'd officially and publicly opt out of Jack's crazy mind games. But as it is, Liz just stands there, eyes wide. Since her new husband is standing next to her, Bianca pretends to be thrilled.
"A baby! How wonderful. You'll have beautiful children," she says, squeezing Liz's hand just a little too hard.
"Oh," Jack says, "we certainly will."
Bianca and Vincent walk away, leaving Liz to glare at Jack. It takes him about a minute to notice. That kind of pisses her off, but. There are more important things to worry about.
He blinks at her. "You seem to have something on your mind, Lemon."
"Yeah, I do. You just told her I'm pregnant. Which I'm not."
"I'm fully aware of that. And for the record, I was thinking of you; she won't attack you if she's under the mistaken belief that you're with child."
"Oh, that's nice. By the way, that comment? Was sarcastic."
"I never would've guessed," he comments dryly.
"Did you ever think she might wonder what happened to this baby after I don't, you know, have it?"
"I never technically said that you were pregnant; just that we'd be welcoming an addition to our family. When it becomes obvious we don't have a child together, I'll tell her that we were planning to adopt. But it fell through, as such things often do, and that, while the experience has been a hardship, it's only made our counterfeit love stronger." He pauses. "I won't use the word counterfeit, obviously. Nor will I use any of its many synonyms."
Liz continues to gape at him. "You know, I'm done being your fake girlfriend. Done."
"I knew our imaginary love was too good to last."
Liz sighs. Heavily. And does a little cursing in German.
Sadly, this makes him smile.