- Ian and I had a great time last night listening to
Henry Rollins at the
Herbst Theatre. (I had hoped we could have taken Kelly out for dinner, but alas, the timing was no good -sorry Kel!) Mr.Rollins is a very interesting person and always has something to say. I'd never seen him in person, but I've heard a few of the cds that Ian has. While Ian and I don't agree with him on everything, he always presents his views in an engaging way and never gives off the "I'm right/you suck" vibe, which is nice. Plus he's pretty crazy, which is fun. XD If you ever have an opportunity to listen to him talk about his experiences I recommend it! (And hey, for a grumpy mid-to-late-40s guy his physique is pretty easy on the eyes, heh!)
MST3K Collection 12 is out! I got it for Ian for our anniversary, but we still haven't watched any of it yet -looks really good though, two Mikes and two Joels. And speaking of MST3K, why didn't any of you diehard fans tell me about
Rifftrax?! (be sure to check out all the free samples!) I bought the Raiders Rifftrack (with my last few Paypal dollars) and it's awesome! Very easy to sinc up and a quality riff to be sure -who'da thunk you could riff good movies?
- So I know there's a saying to the effect of "the worst evangelists are the recently converted," but I have to tell you about a great book I read!
Mindless Eating is a great -and enlightening- read for anyone who has ever eaten food. Seriously. I know most of us will say, "yeah, I know I don't always eat right but..." But nothing. There are reasons for the way(s) we eat, and some of those reasons and motivations we never take notice of. This book is a short easy read since the last third is the appendix of all the research info. While the cover has some interesting "hook" info (such as Does food with a brand name really taste better? Do you hate brussels sprouts because your mother did? Does the size of your plate determine how hungry you feel? How much would you eat if your soup bowl secretly refilled itself? What does your favorite comfort food really say about you? Why do you overeat so much at healthy restaurants?) I actually found some other points far more interesting -such as why women are more likely to accept soy into their diets (and men aren't), what your favorite kind of soup says about you, and a revealing look at the type of eater you are. Overall, I found the book to be far more accurate than I would have liked, at least as far as my food habits are concerned. I recommend it though, especially to those who love "secret" tests. :D
- And perhaps best of all, Ian gave me a new digital camera for our anniversary!! :O It is fantabulous and tiny. Very tiny. But the pictures are AWWWWWWWEsome. I haven't had time to play with it much, but it's about a billion time better than the old one. And guess what? It does video too! :D So check out this lovely super-close-up spider web and a vid of the ducks...
Unfortunately I have no other free video hosting (anyone know of one?), so Photobucket ker-smooshed it into crap. :( It looks great on the camera (and TV) though!
They're like that every morning, LOL.
- [edit] Oh! I almost forgot to say that Mushishi is a wonderful
manga and
anime! It's "quiet" in that there isn't your typical anime action and the soundtrack is really nice -it reminds me a lot of Nausicaa. (And yes, there is a bit of slash potential. :B)