yay... new quiz

Mar 10, 2004 20:21

There is 50-50 CHANCE of a boyfriend in your future.

You’re interested, most of the time, but also rather unsure of how to
proceed. It’s like your mom or older sister never took you by the hand,
led you into the garden and had the heart-to-heart instructional talk
that other girls seem to have had.

You know the one, with all the juicy stuff about how to handle men.
But don’t feel like you’re missing out; you’re not! You’re learning
the ropes and eventually you’ll reach the point where you’re beating
men off with a stick.

Is There A Boyfriend In Your Future?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Well, I could've told you there would be no boyfriend in Michelle's future..... I didn't need a quiz for that shit..
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